This is a band I have been hearing and seeing a lot about the last
few months so I was eager to hear this cd when it arrived with the
Abyss promo's. With a title like "unholy rock and roll" it shouldn't
take a genius to figure out what style of music this band plays.
Dirty, filthy old school blackened thrash with a lot of rock and
roll influences especially with their catchy guitars. Hyper-speed
yet very catchy and memorable guitar riffs and solo's intertwined
with equally as catchy and fast paced drumming that keep the pace
moving nicely and never lets it get boring or too slow. Vocals are a
mix between blackened screams and outbursts of deeper growls. Maax
are a band that know how to play and craft old-school sounding black
metal and make it sound like sheer perfection. If you enjoy
blackened thrash with rock influences look past all the posers and
pick up Maax's unholy rock and roll today!!
- Patrick |

thraaaaassshhh metal from Brazil bitches! Machinage is an
interesting case for me, I do not get a ton of thrash for review,
but enough I suppose, yet almost never get that late 80s / very
early 90s style thrash when the scene was still heavy and extreme,
but also moving towards a slightly cleaner, less blitzkrieg and dare
I say it somewhat commercial edge. Okay so to give you a little
reference think of the output of that time period above from bands
like Exodus, Sacred Reich, Prong, Death Angel, Testament, Overkill
that kind of thing. Yes, it is a pure thrash attacking audio barrage
upon the senses! It is kind of nice to be honest to hear some bands
still playing this style; I would not want the scene flooded with
this. But all the same listening to it now makes me realize how much
I miss it. Machinage are not a clone band, they sound like those
bands I named but also have a dose of their own sound and their
vocalist is great, he has a reasonably unique sound and emotes very
well with his voice, which only further serves to draw you into the
It Makes Us Hate spider web. Now that you are caught in that web
thrash or die suit ‘n tie guy! - Dale
Madder Mortem
(formerly Mystery Tribe - wise choice in name change) didn’t catch many
ears until their song “These Mortal Sins” was released on Misanthropy
comp “Presumed Guilty”. Upon listening to this 7 track album, I am left
feeling kinda bored. The instrumentation is far superior to many bands
out there but isn’t very original. The vocals are the weakest point for
me though. I have never been a fan of female vocals and the vocals laid
over this melancholic, depressed sounding metal just seem utterly plain.
Most of the disc is slow and uneventful and personally just doesn’t do
anything for me. I definitely find solace in something like Rozz
Williams but this is in another area but possible M.M. were aiming for
that crowd? They definitely should throw out their heavy riffs and
concentrate on their vocals and slower material; that seems to be their
niche. - Jeffrey Kusbel |

I know there is
a deeper meaning to that album title and it means something
different than first blush. But the word logos throws you off when
combined with the band name and the words Lucifer and Leviathan.
Actually to be honest I glanced at it quickly the first time and
thought it said Legos, not Logos haha. Okay, sorry I just felt a
need to say that, let us get past the album title. I also expected a
harsh black metal album. But instead I got a black themed classic
epic doom metal band! Which surely did not disappoint as I am a huge
doom fan, which this Norwegian band delivers in spades mixed with a
old school heavy metal flair as well. If that confuses you think of
stuff like Mercyful Fate, Death SS mixed with Solitude Aeternus,
Candlemass, The Obsessed or some similar type of diabolical mixing
of deliciously dangerous influence. I seen another review on the
From The Dust Returned blog describing the vocals on here as being
along the lines of Bobby Liebling of Pentagram and Robert Lowe and I
think those are really spot on. You get the doom and you get the
dark heavy metal as I stated above with my influences and they are
melted together to something nearing perfection, not quite there,
but damn close. I really love this album, you can tell it is a young
band still honing their craft with room for improvement. But all the
same this is a fantastic, emotionally transcendent album
highlighting so much of what I love about both genres. The lyrics
employ some writing of Aleister Crowley, Eliphas Levi and H.P.
Lovecraft, a wonderful heady blend of Satanism, the occult and
superbly disturbing, frightening, ever so fascinating world
masterfully created by Mr. Lovecraft. So many elements from top to
bottom that I love, maybe not the most original but Magister have a
put their own twist on these influences and created something I
really enjoyed. - Dale |

Former member of
Hungary's Wall of Sleep's new band Magma Rise which means more doom
metal. The music is nice and sludgy but once the vocals kick in -
eh, things take a turn of the worse. The clean delivery is fine
especially for doom metal. But the vocalist has a really odd
sounding voice. Maybe if I were stoned I'd like it but since I
don't smoke weed, that's not much help. As the rest of the album
plays, I really like the music. The production gets the job done as
well. But, yeah, I've made up my mind. They need to sack the
singer. Gabor (ex Wall of Sleep) should stick to just playing bass
and hire a new vocalist. If they do that, Magma Rise will indeed -
rise. - Mark

Some fucking
death metal of the old school worshipping variety, straight out of
mighty Sweden. It just immediately hits me with healthy dose of
influence from one of my all time fave bands Autopsy. Not to mention
a dash of Repulsion. You also get the old Swedish sound ala
Dismember, Repugnant mixed in and anyone who reads Canadian Assault
knows I absolutely love that stuff. So it is probably of very little
surprise that I greatly enjoy the to some extent doomy and brutal
sounds of Maim. The riffs on here sound so classic and they are
extremely heavy and memorable. The band also manages to slip in some
tasty little guitar solos to assure you are hooked. The vocals are
dark sounding and obscure growls that seem to fit the music well. I
honestly do not have a lot more to add to this. But if you like the
classic stuff from the bands I mentioned above then you will want to
check into getting yourself some Maim. Their new album is supposed
to be out any time now. Argh!
– Dale |
There is some
interesting history to this Georgia band, and I am a sucker for band
history trivia Haha. So Malformity was first birthed unto the UG
scene way back in 1991 and released a couple demos over the next
four years, before calling it quits. The two main members of the
band from the start are Eric Snodgrass (bass & vocals) and Dan
Ratanasit (guitar & vocals). Dan kicked around the scene in a couple
bands like Amoebic Dysentery and Neuroblast, while Eric was even
more active doing time in the bands Disillusioned, Vomit Froth,
Eridian and more. Those two pillars of the band decided to revive
Malformity in 2014, some twenty years later, bringing in Craig Vogel
on drums and Glenn Sykes on guitars. Glenn’s name will likely ring a
bell for some, he is a dual citizen of the USA and Sweden, Glenn has
a long active history in the UG (going back to the start of the
1990s) in both countries having been in bands like General Surgery,
Regurgitate, Coprophilia, Cardiovascular Sub-Hypothermia and more.
Sykes himself in some ways reflects the music of this band, as it is
a near faultless marriage of old school Floridian death metal and
old school Swedish Sunlight death metal. I am big fan of both of
those scenes and time periods, but Sweden during those earlier days
of the genre for me is the pinnacle for my death metal worship. So
it may be of little surprise that I enjoyed this long, long overdue
debut album from Malformity. I am sure some newer dm fans will be
expecting uber technicality, adventurous progressive song
construction and/or all manner of outside of metal influences, and
they will disappointed. Because what you do get much to my pleasure
is skillfully written, proficiently executed high quality classic
early/mid ‘90s death metal that is brutal and memorable. The dual
growling from Eric and Dan are both deep, well done and differ just
enough in tone to set each apart and play off each other nicely. As
mentioned above the music is a wonderful mixing of old Swedish death
metal and Floridian style that will have fans of the roots of genre
howling and headbanging for more. That is what it did for me. Well
done Gents. - Dale
Sick and ugly
French black metal - originally released in 2006 but re-released in
2010. This EP of material is full of hatred and dissonance. The
band also has one demo and a split to their credit. The conviction
is there with this band - something mandatory for any band, but
particularly, for black metal bands. I want to feel like I'm about
to be burned to the ground when I hear a black metal release. This
one captures that feel nicely. Instrumentation reminds me of
countrymen Eternal Majesty in places but much more hateful. While
not original by any means, it definitely has the black metal appeal
of old. I'd like to see what this band can do with a full length
release. – Mark Sugiyama
Now I am a die
hard for second wave black metal, of that there can be no doubt. But
my heart and the black blood that comes out of it have a real soft
spot for the early days of metal in the ‘80s and very early ‘90s
with the first wave of black metal! It is clear listening to
“Krupinské Ohne” that Malokarpatan also shares that same worship for
those early days of musical darkness and evil. The band plays black
metal without doubt and their musical heredity, to mine ears,
stretch clearly to the ‘80s and the dawn of the ‘90s, and even as
far back as the 1970s where black metal was deeply rooted in heavy
metal. I can hear those wonderful influences from bands like Ancient
Rites, Venom, Mortuary Drape, Mercyful Fate, Bulldozer, Infernal
Majesty, Kat (Poland) and more. Also, more broadly speaking UG
scenes like the early ‘90s Greek bm scene (ala Zemial, Varathron,
Agatus, early Rotting Christ & Necromantia), more specifically a
scene close to their homeland in the Czech Republic with awesome
bands like the legendary Root and Master’s Hammer. This Slovak band
is a mix of all those bands and styles, but the first wave itself
was an malevolent, raw and dirty heavy metal base mixed with
portions of speed & thrash metal alongside dashes of the darkest and
meanest parts of punk rock even. I may even be imagining things, but
I feel like I even detect whispers of ‘70s progressive hard rock.
Either way, do not let that fool you, this is fucking dark music
that is audio evil and possesses a great old days gloomy & sinister
atmosphere I adore so much. The vocals are classic first wave as
well with their shadowy obscure sounding sung, gruff growled voice,
which is dripping with a wicked darkened echo-y quality. There are
brief touches of non-traditional instrumentation worked into the
tapestry of certain passages, usually in the embryonic stages of
songs, before the wickedness of the heavy metal takes control and
drives the song. This band is really interesting; they have a lot of
depth and dimension to their sound, while always showing reverence
for the old days of heavy metal and black metal, whilst never
forgetting that is where the bands sound comes from. There is a lot
of thought, feeling and devotion put into the playing and the song
writing here. I am not sure if newer black metal fans and even the
melododeath fans may find no joy here, as there are no pretty
melodies around each bend, but those with a deep respect for the
foundations of the earlier days of metal, heavy, black and all in
between I think will appreciate this interesting and committed
band. - Dale

I am a Maniac
Butcher from way back and yes I am an old coot. Just like these old
warriors and I would like to think I still have just as much fight
left in my black heart as the Butcher. Who make a triumphant return
after a decade long hiatus. I always respected Maniac Butcher for
never giving into the trends of synth, goth, angelic female vocals
and such things – they were always true to their roots. The intro is
cold and creepy sounding as hell, dank ambient backdrop and what sounds
like a great pre-historic beast breathing and snorting in a hypnotic
rhythm, each breath sending tendrils of steam in the darkness. You
can not see the beast through the night and are paralyzed with fear.
We then launch into bombastic black metal dripping with ferocity and
driving at an electric pace. This new album may be a little more
rocking than in the past, but no less evil sounding and still mean &
hateful. It is simple and cruel like any good barbarian horde. Masakr is a great
combination of catchy speed riffing, blasting rapid fire
drumming and some truly sinister rasping black metal vocals that
help create a real eerie atmosphere. All the songs are good, but the
highlight for me was “Projizdka hvozdem”. It really marries the epic
early classic black metal sound I worship with the memorable tremolo
riffing and vocalist Barbarud simply sounds possessed and maniacal.
The Butcher is back and they are not fucking around. The black metal
scene needed an album like this right now and so do you.
– Dale |

I consider
myself a Manilla Road fan, but I also admit I only have a few of
their albums, which are classics in their own right, in my view at
least. So Invasion, a re-release of their 1980 album is a new one
for me. As the bio states the band were a rock ‘n roll band at this
point and the material on here was written in the late 70s. You can
hear hints of what would come for Manilla Road as the 80s wore on
and they adopted a more metal sound. Thanks to Shadow Kingdom for
pulling this out of obscurity for fans of the band and fans of late
70s/early 80s rock in general to hear. The fans that are hoping to
hear vintage in their prime Manilla Road metal may be a bit
disappointed. As for myself I am a fan of 1970s hard rock and this
is a neat little time capsule for me. There are some cool effects
and sounds on here for the time period. You can definitely feel the
band attempting to find their way, it is beginning of the power that
the band would become. There are strong hints at this on the awesome
thirteen minute album closer The Empire. It is an epic and ambitious
tune that is finely crafted with a superb main riff and plenty of
dynamics, such as dueling guitar effects, some tasty fills and
mystic, moody atmosphere that keeps you interested the entire length
of this marathon song. That brilliant song alone is worth the price
of this album, it is well ahead of any other tune on here, this song
The Empire is fucking fantastic I am telling you. I dig the vintage
band and rehearsal photos too. I would say this is a must have for
Manilla Road fans and 70s rock aficionados alike. - Dale |

This is an
interesting Finnish band, which counts many members, no less than
eight members of this band though one of them is the former drummer
who now only handles all of the lyrics for the band. Speaking of
which, I am not even going to get into the horse shit lyrics (and
the bands belief system) because…well check into it yourself and
decide I suppose. But, musically on the other hand, my goodness does
this collection of musicians know how write songs and craft a truly
remarkable, creeping & crawling atmosphere of dark malevolence. Not
to even mention, at least to mine ears, they create a pretty
distinctive brand of doom music that has their own stamp and vibe on
it. Okay, so maybe I do not listen to enough of that style of early
style gothic music (before the wimpier end of the black/death scene
got a hold of it and combined it with goth turning it into a sappy
Twilight vampire teen books & movies soundtrack). I guess I can hear
some things like Fields Of The Nephilim, early to mid period My
Dying Bride or maybe some influences of early Type O Negative, but
probably a little less metallic at times, then those two latter
bands and little more experimental sounding (maybe a touch too much
for my liking at times). Maybe something like Jex Thoth would be a
more contemporary comparison to make? I would be remiss to not talk
about the impressive vocals, which are shared by Osmo and Alma,
though I feel like Alma is the more dominant force between two in this
skilled male / female vocal duo. They combine perfectly with the
music to create a truly sinister and doomy music whole, and above all,
an atmosphere that would bring out a sardonic smile from almighty
Satan himself. When I listen to doom, it is usually classic
style doom, but now and then, when you feel the itch to listen to gloomy
doom that strays a little from the beaten path then Mansion will
that itch very nicely. - Dale

After six years of silence Ohio's Manticore are back with a new full
length of vile, harsh blackness. You get raw, filthy mid-paced
guitars and drumming, the drummer does let loose with some moments
of furious faster blast beats before relaxing back to the more
controlled mid-pace sound. Inhuman shrieks spew out the blasphemous
lyrics. Manticore definitely won't appeal to the newer breed of
black metal bands/fans of the scene out there but if you’re an
old-school fanatic who worships the raw, harsher side of black metal
done in the eighties and early nineties then Manticore are a
definite must have for your collection.
- Patrick

An Italian
“Occult black metal” is what this one man band bills itself as. The
7 tracks, which include 4 songs, 3 intros that were done in ’06 but
apparently just now seeing label release, from what I can gather. I
am rather hoping this release was nothing more than an early,
beginners demo tape. As Manth to be blunt are all kinds of sloppy
with a liberal does of down right horrible. Manth try to play equal
parts of extreme black metal ala Profanatica / Havohej and heavy
synth atmospheric ala a dying cat that swallowed a mini korg
keyboard. I mean what an mess we have on our hands here. The metal
half, is poor to barely passable but possess no real flow, feeling
or direction to the song. The atmospheric half, sounds like a child
who got a synthesizer for christmas. The two halves are merely
smashed together in exceptionally amateurish fashion. I am left
scratching my head as to why a label would want to release this?
– Dale
Another great,
Marduk album in a legacy of hateful black metal. Marduk, have always
delivered superior quality with their song crafting skills and this
album, while not my favorite is supremely excellent. Split into two
chapters as to explain a tale, it has an overall concept feel to it.
Chapter one contains some slower fare such as “Dreams Of Blood And
Iron” which sounds very Bathory influenced (title and music alike).
Chapter two contains a re-recorded version of “Deme, Quaden Thyrane”
which originally appeared on the great “Opus Nocturne” album. All in all
this is a great album with plenty of violent, hate inspired lyrics and
music to go around. This is black metal! - Jeffrey Kusbel |

We have some
melodic death metal from Sweden on tap. I like only a very select
few bands in this genre. So a band in this style has to be quite
remarkable to capture my interest. In fact, after the initial
quality releases in this style, the early works by Dark Tranquility,
In Flames etc… I have found very few albums of any use really. A
second mark against Marionette is they seem to have decided to meld
the Goteburg melodious death style with a genre I mostly actively
dislike. That would be American metalcore, some call it deathcore
and others call it mallcore. I mainly call it garbage. There are
some quality harmonious riffs and interesting structural moments to
be had. The band has some talent and are young – so it is impressive
from that point of view. At other times the music is just too sweet
or drowns you too much in metalcore for me to truly attempt to enjoy
it. The production on here is slick, almost to a fault, but if you
like things over produced as many do these days, then you will enjoy
“Enemies” on that level. You have heard it all before, one thousand
times, but if you are a big fan of the styles I have described
above. Well then I see no reason you will not enjoy Marionette.
Excuse me though if I pass on this. – Dale
“Melodic shred
instrumental rock”, I would say that bio snippet about fits. Mark (from
Asteroids), is one talented guy and certainly does shred up the fret
board, something wicked. He plays with a lot of emotion too. Imagine
some Malmsteen, Beck wanking mixed with some cool Rush, Led Zepplin and
Eric Clapton style stuff. Much better than Asteroid, but still not
metal. Same price and addy as the Asteroid CD.
– Dale |
The American death
metal vets return! They continue to do it - here is another album of top
quality, catchy and heavy brutal death. Bret Hoffman’s growls flow
nicely, a perfect balance between indecipherable and not. Also Dave
Culross steps in and puts down one deadly maelstrom drumming
performance. Great album & they continue to uphold after all these years
the mark of real death metal musically and lyrically. I take great
pleasure listening to this album and much respect is what I feel for
this band.
– Dale
Pavement Music, P.O.
Box 50550, Phoenix, AZ. 85076, USA
All 3 of these Czech
bands play fast, heavy and intense grind with belching vocals. M.T. do a
cover of Agathocles during their 7 songs. Gride do 2 covers, one of
Rupture, and a interesting one of Health Hazard which include female
gind vox and all - cool! Nothing to blow you away but still some great
mind-grind to be had on this pro packaged cassette. $5 US to Shindy
Productions (see addy elsewhere).
– Dale |
I must send
greetings and thanks to Godz Ov War records for sending this my way.
They have done this before, an extremely supportive label, they send
promo copies of other labels releases around for review and that is
the case with this release and a handful of others reviewed
elsewhere. Another piece of metal sickness from a very underrated
Polish metal scene. I am not going to laundry list them off here,
but suffice it to say Masachist is made of members of a number of
old bands from the scene, this might be their second album but they
are veteran UG musicians. The riffs on Scorned are some of the
heaviest, chunky riffs I have heard in a while, reminds me slightly
Banished from the early 90s. The opening song “Drilling The Nerves”,
the music and vocals are very rhythmic, kind of metalcore sounding,
I honestly did not like this song very much, I like all the elements
from the guitar to the drums to the vocals, just not way they
employed and the song constructed. I am happy to report that after
the opening track, they leave the deathcore, mallcore junk in the
rear view mirror. After that you get what you hoped for, straight on
guttural death metal with some interesting guitar patterns, pounding
drums, harsh deep and throaty growling vocals. This is some old
school, American NYDM style death metal, it does steam roll along
with some non-typical guitar rhythms and musical ideas within the
brutality to keep your interest. This is topped off by some again
old school sounding vocals that are combination of Suffocation and
Deicide type vocals and I really, really like the vocals (except
that awful first track). It almost seems like they arranged the
songs on this album worst to best, as the album seems to just keep
building and getting better as you go along. If you can just get
past that opening track clunker, you will be satisfied you were
patient. Check it out. - Dale

I must confess
off the top, I am a confirmed worshipper of the old Swedish death
metal sound of the early to mid 90s. So if a band plays that style,
it is not terribly hard to win me over and win me over Mass Burial
from Spain have done. This is intense, heavy death with rolling
razor riffs, and obscure pounding drums that patter upside your head
harder than a pair of bloody knuckles. Yes this is Swede influenced
to be sure; I can definitely hear the band is big fans of the
almighty Grave! Also I am sure early Entombed and Dismember. It is
well done and unquestionably unoriginal but it is still fucking
fantastic, Mass Burial just pummel you into submission. I am sure
some will think these guys borrow too much, in fact I could swear a
whole section of one song sounded very close to some Entombed
material. The vocalist reminds me very much of Ola Lindgren from
Grave and I love his semi-decipherable classic growls, yeah these
vocals kill. I really enjoyed this album and can recommend it, but
there is an argument to be made by more picky fans to just listen to
the albums of the original masters instead. As for me I just can not
get enough! - Dale |
The duo of Tim Labossiere {vocals, bass, guitars, drum programming}
and Vic Silvia {guitars, backing vocals, co-drum
programming} unleash their monster known as Mass Murder Frenzy one
more time upon the unexpecting underground. Insurrection Divinity is
Mass Murder Frenzy's fourth masterpiece of sickness and their most
complex, powerful and intense work to date. Nine songs that start
out heavy and never let up until the final note is played. But both
Vic and Tim have been playing music for a long time so yes the music
is heavy and fast it is also complex with a lot of memorable and
catchy riffs that are memorable even after the cd has long ended.
The drums are programmed but have a human feel to them in areas you
hear the programmed drums, but the guys have done a great job in
making the drums as real as possible and fit perfectly with
their guitar and bass structures. Tim's vocals have never sounded
better or more vicious then on Insurrection Divinity and Vic's
higher screams and growls. If you heard the bands previous release
"Unleashed" then definitely buy this!! As the music on Insurrection
Divinity is even better then Unleashed {which I didn't think they
would be able to match} or if you are a new listener to Mass Murder
Frenzy and you enjoy vicious, violent brutal death metal you won't
hear a better a band!!
- Patrick
Another band
from the fertile ground of Quebec, Canada. Massive Slavery are
proficient at playing what they play, which is modern melodic death
mixed with metalcore. I am not the biggest fan of either style, so
the mixing of the two only tends to amplify things for me. As
mentioned though they handle their instruments well and I found
myself if nothing else enjoying the individual performances from
each musician. The musical whole however is not overly distinctive
or memorable and lacks a little focus. I mean they have a lot of
quality parts and sections but they are put together in a somewhat
clunky, patchwork manner and seemingly lose the plot a couple times
over within a song. The vocals from Jonathan are the style we
usually hear with melodic death bands. You know they are growls but
laced with a little thrash gruffness and kept clean and decipherable
enough so that all the lyrics can be understood to those that listen
closely. I can appreciate the talent and the performance, but as
mentioned the execution in the song writing department needs to
mature and refinement that should hopefully come with time. I am
always excited to get new releases from my mighty homeland, despite
that Global Enslavement missed the mark for me. Admittedly I am not
a fan of this style in general though. –
Symphonic power
metal from Finland and Masterstroke hit us with their third full
length album. The first moments of the opening track really grabbed
me and got me excited. It reminded me a little of the great &
underrated Tad Morose A Mended Rhyme album. From there though things
sort of settled down and the energy drained and mellowed a little.
As the album continued to wind along my interest seems to be
dropping bit by bit. I think another band that comes to mind as an
influence for Masterstroke would be Nevermore, though not as
powerful or quite as memorable in my view. I am probably being a
little hard on them though. There is some quality material on here,
some solid melodic riffs and they do have the ability to draw
emotion out of the listener. Something for me that is integral to a
good band playing this style as things can get very stale, very
quickly if they do not have that emotional hook to draw you in and
keep you there. As obviously with this mid-paced flowing style with
the keyboard atmospherics do not lend themselves to heaviness or
speed. The best part of this band may just be vocalist Jari Tiura
whose has a great soaring set of smooth pipes and he carries off the
sound beautifully. I would say the biggest drawback for Masterstroke
might be is that from song to song they start to get kind of same
sounding and lack identity from one another. I am being a little
picky here as stated, but this is a talented band who are on the
cusp of turning into a something special if they play their cards
right. –

North Dakota’s
Maul despite only releasing music since 2018 have already built up
quite an impressive arsenal of demos, EPs, splits and even live
releases. So, this band has put in the work so to speak, and come up
the right way (according to me at least), which wisely sets up the
foundation to build their first album ‘Seraphic Punishment’ upon.
The vocalist Garrett Alvarado jumped out at me on first listen; he
brings it with a strong repertoire of extreme metal vocals styles,
from the slightly higher pitched acidic style to various screeches
and elongated roiling howls, to an underpinning of great deep
sinister growls. Some of the songs have this creepy horror
soundtrack type of stirring layer, which is not achieved through
wall to wall drenching of synth, which only serves the music better
in my opinion and is not the easy cheap way to do it. That sound
produces a dark emotive element to their sound, when combined with
their heavy riffing and overall brutality makes for a very enjoyable
musical collective. Maul does seem to have a knack for creating that
aforementioned emotion in a way that builds and crescendos very
nicely within their crafty songwriting and pacing. They achieve this
quite affecting style often in the middle to slightly faster range
yet even manage to deftly mix in doomy elements at times. The more I
listen the more guitar fills and nuances become quite satisfying to
my ear. I suspect those components along with the underlying horror
feel are going to make this album something I continue to return to
in the future. Which is actually no mean feat considering how much I
adore my old classics, not to mention how much new music I listen to
on a monthly basis. I definitely have to highly recommend this to
fans of early Incantation, Bolt Thrower, Demilich, Funebrarum, Tomb
Mold, Disma, Dead Congregation and the like. You know the stuff I
fucking love too. Check this out. - Dale
This is a good album by a cult band. I really
enjoyed this bands 7” EP “Cythraw” years ago. Said seven incher is
included here. A superb album done by fine musicians who write music
with feeling. But I have heard this album before, but it was called
“Twilight Of The Gods” and/or “Hammerheart”! Yes, they copy viking-era
Bathory heavily. But they do it so fucking well! M.T. mix in raw black
metal but that too sounds kind of similar to earlier Bathory. If you can
look past all of that. You are awaited with a fine, raw and majestically
epic piece of work, by individuals that are true to the underground
spirit! – Dale
Iron Pegasus Recs., c/o Costa Stoios, P.O. Box 1462, 56804 Cochem/Mosel,
So until just a
couple years ago, I had thought this band from Greece that I
remember well from the mid to late ‘90s was no more. As it has turned out, after 20 years (!!) the band was revived and released an
album in 2018. Now with ‘Arcadian Witchcraft’ the band is making a
statement that they are here to stay and not just making a one-off
reunion release. There are now just two of the original four members
(Sirokous on vocals & Lord Apollyon on drums / keys) of the band,
they have pared down to a trio, having added a hell of a great
storied veteran member in Jim Mutilator on bass (founding and long
time bassist in both Rotting Christ and Varathron!!). Just a
coincidence that Jim left Rotting Christ as their softer, more
melodic, more goth-y period was beginning? The music on here takes
you on a real haunting and atmospheric black metal journey. Medieval
Demon do employ quite a bit of synth, which is often not something I
like in black metal (I normally prefer it only a supporting accent),
but there are no catchy, folk-y, pretty melodies here, no they try
to always keep the synth dark and sinister with a slight morbid or
disturbing quality to it. That is not to say the traditional
instruments do not play a strong part as they are prominent and
there is some great freezing riffs, as well as skillful guitar
nuances. The drums on here are commanding and powerful in the mix in
a damned good way. The vocals of Sirokous especially these days feel
very different and stand out as a bit unique because of it, at least
to do to me. He sings with this clear, clean and deep charismatic
voice that when melded together with a dark obscure sounding hissy /
echo-y growl creates a pretty fantastic combination. These three
veterans experience, dedication and songwriting craft, which they
have honed over the decades really shines through on this evil and
poignant quality black metal album. - Dale
I am pretty sure
when I reviewed their excellent album a couple years ago (without
looking it up) I wrote some version of what I will write now. I was
/ am a fan of Medieval Demon going way back to when I tape traded
for their demos in the mid 1990s. Culminating in me getting their
debut album in 1998, after which they suddenly split up and did not
return until 15 years later! There is now only three members in the
band, two founding members and the other man is a founding / long
time member of Rotting Christ. That would be one Jim Mutilator who
went back to start of Black Church in 1984, a band who then changed
their name to Rotting Christ in 1987. Mutilator with my respect for
doing so checked out of R.C. when they decided to sell out and get
soft playing goth music. ‘Black Coven’ sees the Demon picking up
where the last album left off, by continuing down the path of old
school Greek black metal in the vein of the classic bands like
Necromantia, early Rotting Christ, early Varathron, Thou Art Lord
and that whole line up of classic bands from Greece. I would also
throw in some non-Greek bands like Master’s Hammer, Mortuary Drape
and Root for good measure stylistically. The music is moody and
baleful music that focuses on a freezing black aura and atmosphere
with the trademark bombastic flourishes, from time to time. During
the tracks “Black Coven” and “Baptismal Blood” you almost have to
hear it, to believe what I am about to tell you because I would be
highly skeptical without having heard it myself. These tracks
actually employ not only haunting piano sequences, but also
saxophone and it blows me away how emotionally dark and evil they
made the Sax sound on here, somehow it fits in perfectly with this
gloomy and sinister record seamlessly. That is saying something for
me to like it, a lot actually, as I often fancy myself as a bit of
purist with metal sub-genres. The vocals of Sirokous is a strong
feature of the band as he strikes with his clear yet raspy ‘n deep
charismatic voice, which melts together with a dark obscure sounding
hissy / echo-y growl that adds an eerie presence to the bands sound.
These old veterans continue to grow their UG legend and keep the old
flame burning bright a while longer. - Dale

Ambient black
metal hailing out of Italy and is the vision of Climaxia (now there
is a name heh), whose vision is Melencolia Estatica, she handles the
overall concept, guitar, bass, and “vocal orchestrations”. I guess
that last bit means she plans out and coaches the vocalists every
move and emanation? Speaking of which the vocals, they are really
often more of the dark death metal variety, set to sometimes ambient
and other times noisy harsh aggression. Something about the music
does not flow for me, maybe that is the way it was intended to be,
but often the guitar patterns and tones are just grating rather than
atmospheric, the different instrument sounds seem to clash again at
times and step upon one another’s toes. For me, rather than finding
that harsh and extreme, it just came off grating and annoying, sort
of headache inducing. I do not so much mind headache inducing music,
as long as the music pays off and is awesome in it’s extremity, that
is not the case here. This more often then not comes off like a
cluttered mess and displays a muddled musical direction or possibly
lack of direction I suppose. The more atmospheric moments (and some
of the vocal work), where they slow down the din of silver wear
cascading down a set of stairs, is actually decently done and
enjoyable, yet it is a little hard to enjoy at the same time,
because you know the mess is going to start up again soon. Yes,
maybe I just do not see or understand what they are going for, but
to me this is trying to do a bunch of things at once, not doing them
that well, suffocating the musical whole and not letting the
individual parts much room to breathe, rendering them nearly
useless. I would pass on this, but give their myspace a listen and
see if you agree with me before writing them off. - Dale |

Some doom coming
out of Oklahoma via Sweden with I Hate Records. This is my first
experience with Memory Driven. Animus is a pretty diverse record and
I would say not as accessible or as immediate as many of the bands
on this label. It will probably take a few listens to really grasp
what all is going on here. The more I listen to it though the less
inclined I am to the doom tag that comes with the label reputation
and is around the band. A reputation that I think in large part owes
to the main creative force being Dennis Cornelius, who has been in
bands like Place Of Skulls, Revelation, Doom Stone etc… But to be
honest a lot of this record both musically and vocally probably has
more to do with the early 90s grunge sound than it does with doom
rock. Both musically and vocally I can hear some Alice In Chains,
Pearl Jam and that type of music. I mean do not get me wrong these
guys are great musicians and have some really interesting things
going on in the music and I really can dig some of it. Maybe it just
was so much of the opposite of what I was expecting that I just had
a hard time really getting into Animus. I really do not care much
for the vocals either. I would say if you like some of the better
stuff from the grunge days mixed with some doom rock type tendencies
then you would most likely like Memory Driven. However for me it was
just not my cup of tea, I gave it a good shot and listened to the
record 4 or 5 times looking for stuff I liked. But ultimately the
things I did not care for about Memory Driven outweighed that which
I liked.
– Dale
Usually, the
most politically motivated metal that I hear these days comes from
the thrash and core scenes, but here is Mendacium with their
leviathan work of black/death metal, Decimating Titans.
Decimating Titans is the inventive side-project of Daniel
Jackson, who is known for his work with his main brainchild, Void
Ritual, which takes a more straightforward black metal approach in
terms of lyrical themes (e.g. odium and misery). This album,
according to the description from Redefining Darkness Records, takes
on the themes of abhorrence for and usurpation of conservative
establishments that maintain and direct power as they see fit. The
tracks take on just as lethal an edge as the topic matter indicates,
and to which the black/death metal form handily lends itself.
Crushing from the start, the title track is damn near anthemic in
its call for annihilating those in power, repeating the line,
“Decimating titans!” as well as decreeing with raspy growls, “Let
them die! Let them decay!” The rest of the tracks follow suit,
proceeding with the grimness of black metal and the ferocity of
death metal to detail sonically the toppling of the titans’ reign.
Every moment of Decimating Titans is packed with rage and
aggression, making it an energizing listen, and a cathartic one by
the end. Truly, this album is almost entirely well executed.
However, as someone who is not a fan of the fade-out, I cannot say
that I enjoy the ending to “An Invocation for Bloodshed”, though I
do love its overall composition. Including chanting vocals does
wonders for expanding the foreboding tone past the extremity of
everything else contained within the composition. Overall,
Decimating Titans will not disappoint fans of extreme music at
all—rather the opposite. Jackson does not waste a single second on
the album, making it feel like a complete release despite its short
run time. Definitely give this release a listen if you relish death
and/or black metal in all their ruinous glory. – Aaron |

The opening
movie sample on “Zombie Terror”, track number two for those keeping
score at home, of gut munching and that beyond awesome, high pitched
scream right out of the 80’s had me hooked like a fish. Do they have
quality music to back the window dressing? Oh Lucifer I invoke thee,
the dark prince raises a spiked hoof and proclaims “God be cursed,
Mephisto knows how make me headbang!” Speaking of Satan, there is
very little doubt Mephisto musically worship at the black magic
altar of Venom!! Hell, they even wear the influence on their sleeves
by closing with the richly titled inside nudge “Again At War With
Satan [Introduction]”, it is a short brutal little ditty
incorporating the song title in the lyrics and a nice little
“Teachers Pet” guitar run, among others, for nostalgic value. I only
hope I am not making Mephisto out to be some kind of un-serious band
because they make stone cold sober black metal of the thrash ‘n
death variety. These Italians do have a knack for writing that old
loose style, most of these plastic (i.e. – Pro Tool cheatin’) bands
would shake their head and call it sloppy, but no this is the way
real bands play, this is the way metal is supposed to be fucking
played, ‘Metal of Death’ indeed. The drums are so “Welcome To Hell /
Black Metal” sounding it almost hurts and other influences, speaking
in a much more general arena would be Sodom, Bulldozer and Slaughter
swim through my brain. The vocals sound so familiar as well but I
will damned if I can remember who, the closest I can seem to come is
Hellhammer with early Bathory with a dash of Cronos and something
else I just cannot put my finger upon. How does Bestial Burst keep
finding these maniac bands?! I must confess this album has an
atmosphere and feeling to it that I have not felt in a new band in
many years. Buy this now or I might interview and then you will be
sorry you waited later. – Dale
Well that album
cover caught my attention and made me chuckle right off the hop,
which I am sure is exactly what the band was going for. This is
Mephistofeles fourth full-length album in addition to a slew of
demos, EPs, splits and believe it or not even multiple live albums
in their decade plus existence. When you think of Argentina, you
probably do not think “Oh this band is probably a classic stoner
doom metal band”, but that is precisely what you get and you get it
in spades on “Violent Theatre”! It is fuzzed out and has that
classic stoner sound and vibe to it, but the serious and sober doom
element is strong here. The songs are heavy and rhythmic with an
almost a hypnotic ritual vibe at times, yet at times there will be
some smoking guitar in the fill-in areas of the song spaces. While
listening to this some bands that spring to mind as influences is
Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard, Orange Goblin, Cathedral, Sleep and
old Pentagram. The vocals follow suit with singer Gabriel Ravera
wafting out some classic doom style vocals that probably fall
somewhere in the vein of ‘70s era Ozzy & Bobby Liebling crossed with
say the vocals of Count Raven or the aforementioned Sleep. It is
kind of extra trippy for me hearing this style of music and those
vocals with Ravera singing about Satanism and ritual black magic. I
love it. I mean hell their previous album is entitled “Satan Sex
Ceremonies”, you just gotta love it Haha! Some of the songs are
traditional general song of duration of 4-5 minutes, but
Mephistofeles do definitely take you on extended mental journeys
with a couple songs topping seven and eight minutes. Then the band
go full balls deep epic length with the track “Communion Of The
Vile”, which hits the 14 minute mark! So strap in, smoke up, turn
your cross upside and enjoy the ride through a colorful
kaleidoscopic of a musical expedition into evil ecstasy. - Dale
Here it is, the long
anticipated (not by me, but by a large portion of the scene) new
Meshuggah album. I loved their first LP “Contradictions Collapse” but
became repulsed after they released their next material “None”. It saw
them dropping their old school jazz tinged speed metal roots and crafty
structuring. Replaced by straight-forward, boring stop ‘n start Pantera
/ MachineHead / Skinlab tough guy ‘jump’ metal (a phrase coined by C.A.
writer Arto Lehtinen). I fail to see where all the hype on this band is
justified! Just to be fair, I have this album a multitude of listens to
see if I was missing something. I will give them one thing on here, they
try some spaced out stuff to distinguish them from the pack but ends
with being a futile effort. This genre is limp, I just don’t get it it
is so fucking boring. Vocalist Jens spoken word/shouted screams really
grate on my nerves after a couple songs. I have to comment on album
closer “Elastic” halfway thru the song, there is this 5 to 6 minute
electronic drone that takes over. It sounds like a video game soundtrack
(I guess in the 3 years, since the last full length, they couldn’t come
up with enough material for a full album so they threw on 6 of filler to
bring it up to normal album length). All else I can say is if you liked
the last one, you’ll probably like this too. So go get a boner & jump
around, jump around, get up, get up & get down!
– Dale |

Holy hell! I had
heard the name around the scene a bit, but hot damn, how have I not
heard any material from this Canadian band up until now? I was very
quickly blown away at how high quality and how good Metalian really
is!! They are amazing, this is without doubt one of the best heavy
metal records I have heard in the last decade probably. I was
instantly grabbed and these metal demons refused to let me go,
lobotomizing my brain and turning me into a zombie that kept hitting
the repeat button again and again. This is classic heavy metal to
the maximum! I swear each and every song feels like a future classic
to me, it just has that sound and feel, sort of like I had back in
the ‘80s when first listening to amazing album after amazing album
were pumped out. Their talent on their instruments is strong and
their ability to write interesting, memorable songs even out strips
their technical ability. It is catchy, hook-y, but also heavy and
all the material has this silky smooth flow and timeless quality to
it. I am not sure if it is just the mind-numbingly superb soaring
vocals of the uber talented Ian Wilson, or just the music, I
honestly believe it to be both but they remind me a lot of one of my
all-time fave heavy metal bands Grim Reaper. The funny thing is as
much as I love Grim Reaper, I am not sure if that band had an album
top to bottom this consistently fucking good. Some of the killer
guitar work on here will definitely remind you of quintessential
Judas Priest and Accept. If you are open to new old heavy metal, so
to speak, and worship those old bands I mentioned then you will
regret it if you miss out on this record. I have also just now
(despite having a couple of their releases already) found out that
Temple Of Mystery Records is owned / run by Annick Giroux! I was in
touch with her many years ago with her great Morbid Tales fanzine, I
think we traded print issues with one another actually. She is also
the vocalist in the band Cauchemar, anyways you continue to have
great taste in music Annick, keep up the great work with the label
my metal sister! Get this right now!! - Dale

Miasmal Sabbath
is a somewhat mysterious triumvirate emanating out of Greece. They
do not seem to put much out there about who they are, outside of
having experience in past bands. There is much talk about punk and
d’beat (Discharge) having a huge influence though. While I can
definitely hear a some d’beat in the drumming at times, maybe more
than at times actually, possibly it is more in the vocal delivery
and playing feel that the punk comes in? Yes, I think I am getting
to the heart of the matter with that thought process, the more I
play this record. What I hear is some is some pretty killer loose ‘n
dirty death metal that has this dark, doomy aura to it, which I find
pretty satisfying to listen to. That punk laxness to the
compositions and rough shot dbeating style definitely give Miasmal
Sabbath a different feeling, than a lot of death metal bands. Some
of the death metal influences I hear are things like Repulsion,
Impetigo, Nihilist and the early works of Death, Obituary, Autopsy,
Dismember and the like. As fast and raunchy as they often are, they
are also project a sinister, gloomy atmosphere across it all and
also manage wrap everything in a doom metal air whenever things do
slow down. The vocals follow along with the music, as the main vocal
is clear, but deep growling filled with aggression and emotion which
fits the music like a glove. I was not sure what to make of this
Greek triad at first, they take a variety separate styles that
everyone has heard many times, but with "Ominous Radiance" have
managed to combine them all into something very different sounding.
The result of which approaches brilliance, while still leaving just
enough room for future growth. What a debut album! - Dale

This is a one
man band and that one man should be known to anyone into the UG
heavy / speed / thrash metal scene of the last decade or so. I am
talking about Athenar (aka Jamie Walters) besides Midnight, he was
also in Destructor and in the past was part of Boulder, Abdullah and
more. Just listening to this album, it is painfully clear Jamie is
one dedicated motherfucker and is a devout worshipper at the altar
of metal. Despite Satanic Royalty being the bands debut album,
Midnight has been releasing demos, split eps, eps, and even a live
album since 2003! This is some mean, dirty shit bro, I am telling
you I have never tangibly smelt Canadian Whiskey, cigarettes, pot,
leather and the crotch of bar sluts emanating from my speakers
before, but there is a first time for everything. You get fast and
angry speed metal with lots of energy and some large nods to the
early works of bands like Piledriver, Kreator, Destruction, Celtic
Frost and big dose of the almighty Venom with a dash of punk. Hah
even the vocals sound an awful lot like Cronos. So yes it is retro
and nothing new, but it is done with such dedication and ferocity
you can not help but respect it. Not to mention it is catchy and
memorable as hell, with great singable choruses and all out head
bang inducing riffage. It is really a must for old school goats like
me that can never get enough of this classic sound. Satan himself
could not have conjured such a cacophony of audio debauchery! – Dale |
Dale's review
(see review above or in the album archives for reference) of their proper
debut full-length album 'Satanic Royalty' will answer your
question "who is that" if Midnight are still an unknown entity to
you. Hell, this is Canadian Assault you're reading so chances of
that are null. A big "thank you" and a resounding drunken "cheers"
salute goes into Hells Headbangers' direction for releasing this
compilation of red hot carnality and infernal decadence. Not the
first time for the band to offer a compilation type album but with
the limited nature of those 7 inchers and splits of theirs the idea
holds well. Raw, catchy and instantly headbangable, Athenar's
Midnight are all you need for a mighty good time, reducing the
ongoing Venom soap opera reunion carcass to dust and then some.
Right, not the most "in depth" or "intellectual" review the world
has ever seen but the music doesn't warrant one - get this 21 song
album (preferably the 2-LP version), indulge in unhealthy amounts of
your favourite alcoholic poison and blast the fucker LOUD!
They say the simple things are the best. How fuckin true. -
Vladimir Petrov
Mincing Fury
come at you like a screaming fireball of metal coming from the Czech
Republic. The Czech is a country that longtime underground minions
will recognize as a hotbed of grindcore / brutal death mix the last
couple decades. It will also come as no surprise that Devolution
fits nicely into that description as well. You could even say they
helped solidify that reputation as they have been mincing it up in
the Czech scene for a decade now. I always find it a little hard to
describe these releases. It is basically gurgling, toilet growling
vocals, on top of spastic fast guitars intermingled with slower
sections, always return to lightning fast blast beat insano
drumming. Mixed in between all of this sickness are many crazy,
off-beat samples. It is probably an acquired taste for some people.
Especially those that like all their metal to refined, thought
provoking, presented on over produced albums. You will not find that
here at all. Personally though, I have always loved the lunacy and
the break neck speed and resulting destruction left in its wake from
this style. If you like that shit too, then check this out, by all
means. –
This is a
re-issue of this classic German thrash bands debut album. The album
itself was recorded as a demo in 1987 and then one year later was a
repackaged as their first album with three new tracks added. This
new version seems to have the demo tracks plus four new songs
recorded in 2009. Anyway Power of Darkness is done in the
traditional old school German thrash way, it is extremely fast and
ripping. The music is sure to remind you of old Kreator and the
vocals do the same as the singer sounds very close to Mille. Yes it
is may not sound too original even for the time it came out. But I
can tell you it is great and Minotaur created their own feeling and
atmosphere, picking up the gauntlet of their heroes and immediately
charging into battle. The freshly recorded tracks sound a touch
different, but still great and show the band know how to play raging
thrash. As you have come to expect with I Hate Records everything is
done the right way fully draped in dedication and worship to the
foundations of metal we all love. –
It amazing that
this quality Australian band has been around so long (that is since
1991 for those keeping score at home). Yet, outside their homeland
and the staunchest die hardcore followers of death metal. They seem
to still be a fairly unknown name. It is a shame and I suppose they
will be one of those bands that everyone claims they always revered
once they are gone. First off as opposed to my review of Limb From
Limb, this album, has a great recording that really helps the music
stand out and be heard. This record is just fantastic. Some
avalanche heavy death metal that is mid to slightly fast paced, but
is intermingled with heavy doses oppressive doom elements that
smother you like a blanket of darkness. Some really massive and
memorable material and more than enough dynamics to keep me
interested every minute of the way. I really dug the guitar solos,
tastefully done and bring to mind some of the classic metal bands
from the late 80s. Damon Robinsons vocals are superb as well and
bring to mind some legendary American death bands like Incantation,
Immolation, Grave, Asphyx, old Morbid Angel etc… They are growling
and brutal but just clear enough make decipher and convey a range of
depth and emotion the garbled style growls can only dream of. I am
not sure what else to say except every self-respecting death metal
fan must have this album in their collection! –
This is this
young Polish bands second full-length release and the band features
members from the secretive, studio only, veteran band Evangelist.
Like the band it draws members from Monasterium play a classic doom
and epic heavy metal mixture. I mean I would call them a doom metal
band overall, but the epic heavy metal influences are strong and
certain passages or songs end up crossing over into that style
almost completely, before returning to the slow & heavy (both
musically and emotionally) doom stronghold. Monasterium’s music has
a very forlorn and affecting aura to it that I enjoy. The vocals of
Michał Strzelecki have a heavy accent bleeding through his singing
voice, which is something you would normally expect from Euro
singers, but it seems like vocalists from foreign countries that
sing English lyrics tend to try to hide their accent. Either that,
or perhaps many just trying to sound like their influences, so they
just naturally sing that way and the accent melts away, not sure,
but in this case the Polish accent is quite prominent. This could be
something that turns off some listeners, but honestly, for me it
adds a certain element of uniqueness to his traditional doom heavy
metal singing style. I am not going to going to say this is the best
doom release in years or groundbreaking, but I will say this is a
really solid, enjoyable doom record that fanatics and die hards of
the genre should really dig quite a bit. I know I did and I look
forward to this young bands next release. - Dale

Lets not start
beating around the bush, time is precious: Mongrel's Cross are
Australian (Queensland, more precisely) and they're on HHR. Yes,
this is devastating, take no prisoners, Oz-style black/death/thrash
amalgam that's full on on aggression, pummeling drumming,
flesh-tearing vocals and a constant barrage of riffs, riffs and even
more motherfuckin' riffs that will smash your head in with ease. As
viciously sounding as these songs are this is made even more
impressive by the band's ability of managing firm control over the
playing and song structures, less Bestial Warlust trademarked
chaos and more of an Assaulter / Razor Of Occam malevolently
thrashing vibe off this monster, especially with those guitar
rhythms and solos. 'The Sins Of Aquarius' is a seven-headed beast of
an album, straight from the sulphurous pits , clawing at you with
steel talons designed and sharpened by the likes of Sodom, Bathory
and Frost - this one charges forth with megatons of lethal vigour
and skill. You'd have to be nuts to miss out on this band. -
Vladimir Petrov |

This is my first
time tangling with this U.K. doom metal band which features members
of Khang, Lazarus Blackstar, Solstice etc… Monolith Cult play
classic traditional epic doom metal, in the vein of bands like
Candlemass, Black Sabbath, Solitude Aeturnus, Argus, Iron Maiden
(some melodies and structural nuances remind me of them). Also, even
though they do not play doom death metal, as such, there are some
points they remind me a little of old Paradise Lost, partly in sound
and partially in the atmosphere create. Speaking of atmosphere and
feeling their music invokes, it conjure up in me a very mournful,
desolate mood, making me feel melancholic in a good way. This is not
a feeling I like feeling in everyday life, but Monolith Cult make it
feel like a warm, soft and comforting blanket to mentally wrap
myself within. The guitars and song structuring are really make that
happen, they get their hooks in you drawing you in and pulling you
along almost trance-like, with their heavy flowing melodies and
emotive, expertly crafted compositions. A couple minor criticisms I
have, well they may fall more into personal taste territory, but at
times, there is a cool heavier section and riff they could really
set down on a ride out a bit more to great effect, but they move on
to lighter or more subdued material too quickly. Finally, the bass
seems so low in the mix, it feels almost non-existent at times I
wish the bass was a little more prominent, which would give the
record more bottom end and density to properly back the great guitar
work and fantastic poignant drumming. This finally brings us to the
vocalist Bry, he has a very time-honored conventional doom style to
his soaring voice, which reminds me of a mix of Robert Lowe from
Solitude Aeturnus and Messiah Marcolin of Candlemass, but with
possibly more of an ‘80s heavy metal singer undertone like maybe
hints of Dio, Dickinson etc… that is not prominent and down in the
mix of influences, but I still feel it is there. His vocals do much
to proliferate and accentuate the somber vibe, which is steeped in
gorgeous misery. I have to admit all of this took a while to sink in
for me, it was not immediate upon first or even second to be honest,
but every listen there after, it started to sink and possess me with
it’s hypnotic and depressive charms. So, I would wholeheartedly
recommend this to doom maniacs, however I would suggest you be
prepared to give it time to work it’s magic. - Dale
A band that has
been around since the 90's - from far away New Zealand to boot. This
is a difficult album to describe. In parts, such as on the opener
"Everything You Believe Is A Lie", the band seems dead serious and
inspired. Yet, there is a trace of this almost humorous tone to the
songs at times. It's hard to put a finger on whether that's
intentional or not. In any event - Monsterworks play a varied mix of
metal. At times chugging along like old Pantera mixed with black
metal type vocals with a dash of progressive metal thrown in as
well. On track three "Reprieve" the band starts things off
acoustically with some choral type voices. It's just an interlude
piece (with a nod to the religious references of the album title I
can only assume). The album also reminds me of the Swedish
death/technical metal scene in places and wanders into pagan metal
territory at times, too. It's interesting this release. I'm not sure
I like it, though. The band has some decent chops but none of the
tunes stood out to me. Oh - I'd also consider changing the name. I
can't take a band too seriously that calls themselves Monsterworks.
- Mark

Caduceus Chalice is Moon's debut cd and a very impressive one to say
the least. Six tracks of cold, dismal atmospheric black metal. The
guitars and drums are played at a mid-pace and done perfectly. The
vocals are a raspy, whispery whispery voice. Mixed within the music
is some well-played keyboards that add another dimension to Moon's
already dark sound. This is a band and release that should appeal to
all fans of "atmospheric" black metal. – Patrick
Holy fuck I am
so amped up listening to this album! I just want to break shit and
hit people in a furious rampage! Morbid Insulter have a rare talent
for creating really fucking dark, atmospheric music that is also a
hateful adrenaline rush of the highest order. That was only disc
one, which blew my head off. The first disc contains their ’05 demo,
’06 promo and some unreleased tracks also from 2006. The sound on
here is excellent, it is totally old school, sounds like it came
straight off a late 80s/early 90s clear but low-fi recording, with
that suffocating black atmosphere to it, which is the perfect
compliment to the music. The second cd picks right up where the
first left off more or less, maybe with a slightly cleaner sound,
still harsh and extreme, but undoubtedly a better production with a
little more clarity and less harsh. Maybe the atmosphere has a
little less of that old cult quality I love too, but it is still
awesome. The tracks on the second disc are from MLP’s from 2008 and
2010, plus a compilation tape track they released. Which added
together this release covers the bands entire catalog, covering a
five year span. I think it is safe to say these guys worship the
South American scene with bands like Sarcofago, Vulcano, Pentagram
but also mixed with things like Nifelheim, Mortuary Drape,
Blasphemy, Grand Belial’s Key but also with an undertone and
foundation of old school thrash like Sodom, Slayer etc… They combine
it all wonderfully and destructively, creating a true controlled
chaos of storming metal sickness, surrounded by an avalanche of
darkness & evil! I really have recommend this highly to fans of the
bands listed above. You will not be disappointed and it is hard to
pass up getting a killer bands full catalog in one single release.
Well done I Hate Records, a fitting tribute to the bands legacy.
- Dale
Spain’s Momento
Mori Records has crossed the pond in search of some of the finest
old school brutal death metal doom, and have struck gold, deep down
within the dark depths of Mexico. I had not heard of Morbid Messiah
before now, but cheers to this label for uncovering them and
spreading their disease around the globe. This whole recoding is
dripping with a suffocating, necrotic stench of an atmosphere, which
permeates all of your senses with a wonderful mix of audio grime and
tremolo picked brutality. I feel like a happy as shit metal pig on
mud bath day listening to this album! There is a lot of great old
death doom smudged dirty bands that influenced this bands sound like
Imprecation, old Incantation, early Death, Repulsion, Autopsy
(Mental Funeral era). As well as, some other classic bands in that
ancient grimy American style mixed with a little bit of old Swedish
death metal ala early works by Grave & Entombed. I would be remiss,
had I not mentioned another influence from Morbid Messiah’s
motherland in the form of the great Shub Niggurath. The vocalist has
a good deep as hell growl, which he clearly conjured up from some
evil plane of existence projected with demoniac fury all over hell’s
half acre on this recording. This is some truly heavy and crushing
shit; love it when they interrupt the furious and brutish speed
attack with a nice doomy interlude and/or a cool frenzied short
guitar solo. This homage is of definite interest for die hard’s of
the glorious origins of death metal that all the modern style death
metal bands you listen to today only wish they sounded this
genuinely depraved, gritty and atmospheric. - Dale

Another Dutch
band - this time playing Pagan inspired black metal. Supposedly this
was the bands last release in 2010 as they have since split up. The
usual order of the day - black metal screeches, rough guitar, and a
rhythm section that is definitely the weak link in this band,
particularly the drummer. His lack of skill is holding back the
music from rising to another level. I
like the overall vibe - it has that pagan metal feel which some
bands have difficulty capturing. But having said that, this is an
average release. The band doesn't have the talent even if they have
the vision.
- Mark Sugiyama

This is by far
one of 2011's best death metal releases!! The Swedish masters
combine crushing, heaving guitar riffs, pounding fast drums with
sick and deep growls. Mordbrand isn’t worried about playing two
thousand miles an hour or trying to be as technical as ever, instead
they rely on their ability to perform flawless, old-school death
metal. With bands in the scene like Mordbrand, Cianide, Deus Otiosus maybe
death metal will return the greatness it once had. - Patrick

Sweden's own Mordbrand have released their mighty debut album. Imago
combines heavy, fast death metal with some old-school Swedish death
metal. This is a great release, and if you have heard Mordbrand in the past, you know
what to expect, but for all the new fans who haven not heard them.
The guitarist does a great job, writing some killer riffs
that range from fast to mid-paced,
even throwing in some solo's to the mix. The drummer does
a good job of keeping up with the guitarist and is intense, with
some great drumming, that
ranges between fast and some mid-paced range. If you are a fan,
of quality Swedish death metal or have heard Mordbrand's earlier
work, you will love this release. - Patrick

I knew Texas has always had a good metal scene but they seem to be
on a roll as of late. This time Texas has given us the old school
metal machine Morgengrau, the band plays early nineties style death
metal mixing both the Florida and some European influence into their
brutal sound. Lots of aggressive guitars that are both thinly raw
but also powerful and straight to the point with the furious riffs
and solo's. The vocals are handled by Erika Morgengrau but her
vocals are extremely well done and powerful and fit the bands music
perfectly. If you enjoy early nineties death metal then you will
definitely love Morgengrau's morbid and heavy sound!!
Patrick |
We have a live
recording here, but the details are very scant, no idea when these
tracks were recorded or if they were even from the same live show. I
would say judging by the lack of like flow, transitioning between
each of the four songs, not to even mention the different sound
qualities, I would think they are not from the same gig. Morgirion
play straight forward, raw assaulting black metal, in the early 90s
tradition coming out of Norway. The recording at times, is a little
rough and distant, and on other tracks quite clear, heavy and up
close feeling. But this style of music, has always lent itself well
to recordings more on the raw low-fi side, and this release is no
exception. There are some great driving guitar sections, filled with
freezing hate that possessed me, especially on my preferred tracks
“The Pulse Of Death” and “A Cancer Now Severed”. The vocals are
excellent rasping razor blades, slashing through the audio darkness,
thirsty to dig into flesh. This is a damn good release, for black
metal fanatics to check out, it leaves me wanting more Morgirion. So
hopefully I hear more soon and hopefully they do their next release
with the impressive NVS label once again! - Dale
It was kind of
cool to see this show up in my mailbox. As soon as I read the band
name it brought up memories of the early 90s death metal scene and
me tape trading for Morta Skuld demos and shit. And no, just in case
you were wondering as I did, Morta Skuld have not gotten back
together (though I hear whispers of some reunion gigs). This is a
compilation type release of both of their 1990 demo tapes combined
on one disc. An interesting tidbit from the bio for you is the demos
were produced by Death’s manager Eric Grief back in the day, he had
recently finished working on the Spiritual Healing album. The vocals
especially on the second demo even remind me of Death a little bit.
I am not sure how much work Relapse did with this as far as possibly
remixing and I am sure remastering it. But the sound on here is
absolutely fantastic, you can every bit of everything, loud and
clear and crushingly heavy. I think people have to remember that
these were demo tapes and were recorded in 1990. It was a time when
death metal was such a new entity on the scene and kind of still
figuring out what it was as a genre to some extent. So the music on
here at times is not as intricate and a little less technical than
what we are used to with modern extreme death metal bands. I mean in
contrast Morta Skuld may even sound a little more doomy and slower
paced. But that is what a lot of death metal sounded like back then
and I was a huge fan of it. You know what I am still am too, because
I enjoyed the hell out of this brutal death metal compilation. You
even get a bonus Metal Church cover song that was never released.
Morta Skuld had their shit going on as far as I am concerned. I
think this is pretty cool Relapse put this out, it shows how big of
fans they still are of death metal, as Morta Skuld was not even one
of their bands back in the day, as the band released most of their
albums on Peaceville Records. Check this out all old school dm fans,
if you missed it the first time around you will not be disappointed! –
As you will read
elsewhere, this label split apart right after this release! Jay went
onto form No Middle Ground and Jill joined up with a partner to form
Razorback Records. Stand out’s for me are: Insatanity, Skinned, Ton,
Sanguinary, Devileech, Viral Load, Fleshtized, and lastly not to be
passed over is The Forgotten. There is only one band on here I flat out
didn’t like and that is the mundane Rotting Flesh. Here are the rest
that didn’t blow me away but are still solid death/grind: Sabbatic
Feast, Malignant Inception, Unhallowed, Incarrion, Unblessed,
Psychophancy. A fine example of what the death/grind underground has to
offer. – Dale
Get it for a skimpy $5 US:
c/o Jill Girardi,
Box 308, Deer Park, NY. 11729, USA

To be honest in this day and time with so many clones within the
thrash metal {or to be honest any genre really} scene, it's hard to
tell who's gonna be good or who's gonna be a total-rip-off clone. So
I wasn't really too excited with high hopes for Mortal Infinity but
this all changed once I started listening to District Destruction.
These German metal warriors play violent, thrashing metal that is
both full of furious riffs and beats but also metal passion that is
definitely lacking from a lot of metal bands these days. Fast razor
sharp guitars and solo's, the vocals are more
vicious/aggressive screechy screams and even some deeper death metal
growls {but I definitely wouldn't call or put this band in the d.m
genre total thrash maniacs here}. If you’re a fan of straight
forward uncompromising thrash metal then Germany's Mortal Infinity
is definitely a band you should listen to soon!!
- Patrick
Coming out of
the United Kingdom's black metal scene is Morte Lune, whose ranks
feature members from various bands (Thine, Blasphemer, Atra Mors,
Ulfar, Written In Torment, Thy Dying Light, An Axis Of Perdition and
more!).’Temple Of Flesh’ contains six songs of aggressive, icy
second wave black metal darkness. The music is very well written and
assembled with some extremely fast paced flowing guitar passages at
it’s center. The guitarist does write and compose some slower
patterns rhythms, even adding some solo's into a few songs. The
vocals are a good mix of raw black metal raspy screams, some gruff
yells and growls are used in a few of the songs. If you are looking
for a new band, which combines satanic black metal with some finely
crafted and composed music then be sure to pick up a copy of this
disc as soon as possible. - Patrick
Coming out of
Olympia, WA is Mortiferum with their debut demo, which Blood Harvest
will be releasing in digipak format. “Altar Of Decay” features four
tracks of crushing death doom metal. The vocals are gruff growls
along with a deeper death metal growling approach. The drums range
from a mid paced drum style with some faster drum patterns used in a
few of the tracks. The drummer also plays a very slow and heavier
drum style. The guitars are played in the same vein, as the drums,
with some fast guitar mode before slowing down to a more crushing
doom pace. - Patrick

Mortillery returns with their second thrash attack from Napalm
Records. Ten tracks of aggressive and rage fueled thrash madness.
The riffing is fast and intense with some solo's intertwined in the
music. Once again the music is handled by the extremely
talented Cara McCutchen who has some of the best screams/vocals in
metal today. Pure screams of fury and anger that fit perfectly with
Mortillery straight forward thrashing insanity. If you have heard
Mortillery in the past you pretty much know what is in store for
you, but if you’re new to the band and your a thrasher ‘til death
get a hold of this band today!! They won't disappoint you.
Patrick |
Mourning Sign are a new band to my ears, and this is a review of
their third full-length album. The bands musical style is best
described as progressive death metal, the music is very heavy and
complex with newer death influences. The guitars are some well
executed and skillfully performed guitar arrangements, which are
both very heavy and fast, but also played with at a very
accomplished level showing the band member’s years of experience
with their instruments. The band even uses some keyboards that gives
the music a melodic sound and feel in a few of the songs. The vocals
are death metal growls that are raw and brutal with some screams
used throughout the music. I am not the biggest progressive death
metal fan, so if you are a big fan of this sub-genre then do
yourself a favor and give this album a chance. - Patrick
There is quite
an array of notable items with regards to Mr. Death, at least to old
time die hards like myself. Firstly this release was engineered by
the legendary Tomas Skogsberg (who twisted the knobs of many early
90s death metal classics) and produced by Fred Estby of the mighty
Dismember. It does not stop there however, as the bands members
themselves were in notable Swedish bands such as Treblinka, Tiamat,
Septic Grave among others. A slightly different take in the bands
photo imagery, corporate suit ‘n tie guy, with the more literal
mindless bloody zombie visual makes a statement. The music, as you
can guess is very much in the classic early 90s Swede death metal
style. Though it is probably a little looser, with a touch of old
American thrash, and maybe not as hectically paced as much of this
genre in the past. It is easy to throw out Dismember, early
Entombed, first Hypocrisy as influence and a general audio starting
point for those reading this. The vocals could probably be thrown in
the early Entombed or Grave type realm, though not as good or as
distinctive as either comparison. I am a big fan of this sound and
style, so I enjoyed this for sure. But honestly Mr. Death does not
stack up that well against those classic bands. Especially so for a
fan of the style, that is a bit more discerning and, not just the
type to get everything in this style. –

Muerte Villa
are, a Texas based, death metal band. The entire concept and lyrical
content deal with and promote the ideals of the Mexican Nationalist
agenda. As you may have already guessed all lyrics are sang or
rather growled in Spanish. Before you begin to scratch your head,
there is no need to get worked up you death purists, as there is no
Mariachi music or any traditional Mexican instruments like trumpets
or maracas incorporated into “La Conquista”. No, it is traditional,
straight forward, non-technical American style death metal. So for
better or worse, the music does not support or directly compliment
the message and/or concept. The production is pretty bass heavy and
kind of low (you will have to crank it up). “La Conquista” presents
some solid and enjoyable death metal but at the end of the day,
nothing really stands out for me.
– Dale

Municipal Waste
returns with a new album and I am excited for it. I do not follow a
lot of thrash crossover over the years, but I do have a handful of
favourites and a soft spot for this style. One of those current
bands I like is Virginia’s Municipal Waste who have been around for
about twenty years, but only got on my radar about five or six years
ago. These guys play classic thrashing crossover in the grand
tradition and tear things up with short burst songs that are all
speed, adrenaline with ripping riffs and high velocity drumming.
Like all good crossover they also write catchy songs that make you
headbang and want to sing-a-long with the memorable lyrics, and even
the odd gang sung chorus. The vocalist is great his voice and vocals
are a mix of Kurt from DRI, Bill Crooks from Cryptic Slaughter, and
John Connelly of Nuclear Assault. You will find those same bands
showing up as musical influences too; in addition to a couple other
bands that come to mind like Gang Green, early C.O.C. Plus some more
recent bands like Toxic Holocaust and Power Trip. If you love
archetypal traditional crossover thrash then Municipal Waste is for
you my friends. - Dale

Meyhna was the
main man, sole composer and essentially a one man band for most of
the bands existence. So he is all you should be concerned about with
this release The Lost Tapes, which is a compilation of some of the
bands classic songs that Meyhna has re-recorded. Before you get
excited about a brand new recording, this was actually recorded back
in 2009-10 shortly before the band was ended. For those unfamiliar
with the bands musical style, it is filthy and grim black metal. The
music is extreme in every sense of the word, but it is also very
well played and enjoyable to listen to. The vocals are raw black
metal screams and screeches that fit Mütiilation's music perfectly.
If you are familiar with Mütiilation's body of work, and you are a
fan then do yourself a favor by picking up a copy of the new release
when it becomes available. - Patrick

Greyhaze Records
is getting set to re-release, yet another Cogumelo Records classic
Brazilian band, this time around it is Mutilator with their debut
album. Originally released in 1987, “Immortal Force” is thrash metal
at it’s best, playing extremely fast thrash showcasing musicians who
know how to write and perform quality music. The guitars are played
with hyper-speed riffing patterns executed with skill and excellent
precision. The guitars do slow to a more mid paced range, at times,
with some nice patterns and solos intertwined within the music. The
drumming, is top notch, with both fast blasting drums and more
controlled mid paced patterns. If you were lucky enough to have
heard this band back in their prime, then you know what to expect,
but if you are a new listener then just imagine fiercest, most
violent thrash metal possible. Check this release out today. -
Well I know what
Frater Odium (drums) and Frater Noxathra (all other instruments,
plus vocals), a duo that make up one half of the band Lunar Chalice
were doing during the pandemic lockdowns. They were forming Mysteria
Mystica Aeterna together and writing the music for their debut
album. This new union seems to have created a strong enough
foundation that they have carried the band forward and we are now
presented with their follow-up album “The Temple Of Eosphoros”.
Mysteria create and play ancient first wave melting into the birth
of the second wave black metal. This is a time and style I
personally adore. While listening I think immediately to the late
‘80s / early ‘90s first works of bands like Rotting Christ,
Necromantia, Mortuary Drape, Varathron, Root, Fulgor, Morningstar,
Mystifier, Ancient Rites, and maybe releases like Acheron’s first
classic album or the Emperor’s demo. Anyways, I think that laundry
list of bands give you an idea of what to expect on this solid
release. Which features gloomy and evil middle to slightly uptempo
black metal music, backed with a menacing undercurrent of baleful
ritualistic synth that flows like a creeping mist. The vocals are a
great obscured mix of a partially clean, partially growled whisper-y
voice that compliments the music perfectly and adds an extra cold
aura to their sound. If you dig that aforementioned style and the
early stages of the bands I listed then you should enjoy this
album. - Dale

Greyhaze Records
has done it again, with another gem from the early days of the
Brazilian extreme metal scene. Mystifier as most of you know, is one
of Brazil’s pioneering black / death metal bands. Combining early
death and black metal guitar chords and riffs, for a great style of
their own, it is an eerie atmosphere within the guitar sound and
music as a whole. The drumming is done with a lot of power and
range, going from mid-paced patterns, to all out fast drumming,
before going back to the middle paced once again. The vocals range
from death metal growls to harsh black metal screams of terror.
Besides the original songs from this release, there are also three
live tracks, for all the real fanatics of the genre and the band. If
you are a fan of blackened death metal, with some atmosphere thrown
in, then do yourself a favor and get this classic re-issue today.
- Patrick

This self-titled
album is this Swedish bands debut after releasing a single demo tape
prior to this, which must have been impressive in it’s own right to
land them on the respected I Hate Records label. The band play heavy
riffs and songs, but it is not raunchy and crushing heavy, it is
much more controlled and vaguely subdued similar to the musical
styles of bands like Warlord, Manilla Road, Omen, Stormwitch,
Attacker, Cirith Ungol etc… Yes, it is great old school classic
early to mid ‘80s heavy / speed metal worship, but done with an own
vibe and presented with a superb modernized recording (courtesy of
talented and experienced engineer / producer Magnus “Devo” Andersson
of Marduk). I enjoy the high energy guitar solos / fills that add an
injection of zest and energy into some of the songs ala a song like
‘Gallows Hill’, which really adds spice to their mainstay
unrelenting (and headbang inducing) riffing speed machine. I dig the
vocals on here they are belted out with a lot of ardor and a natural
sounding feeling of when to elongate and accent certain words or the
finish of sentence. These accompaniments add a lot emotion and a
level of dynamics, which sticks with you, as do the infectious
choruses, making the songs more memorable and enjoyable. It is cool
on the song ‘Lake of Necrosis’ where vocalist Julia von
Krusenstjerna sings a combination of Swedish and Enligsh lyrics, it
is how it changes up her style slightly having put different
emphasis on the Swedish phrasing. I enjoyed that and hope they do a
little more of that in the future. I should mention the drum work
here, performed by Sven Nilsson (Antichrist, Eviscerated), as it is
really solid supports the guitar & vocal feature attractions in
tasteful and competent fashion. If you are a devotee of early to mid
1980s heavy / speed metal, especially the American bands of that
era, you should enjoy the hell out of this debut record. Sweden is
keeping this hallowed art going strong with Mystik leading the way!
- Dale