This Norwegian solo band black metal band is the brainchild of Torbjørn Kirby Torbo (also of the band Hevn III). ‘The Redeemer's Festering Carcass’ is the...
We are presented with this bands second full-length album, first courtesy of Dying Victims, from Poland’s feisty Gallower. They have also previously put out two...
This Finnish band formed in the middle 1990s, a trio back then that included the only remaining founding member Sulphur, alongside Infernus (ex-Barathrum, ex-Flame)...
I must confess I am a little confused. The band lists this as an EP, it says there is 4 tracks. But the release they sent me is 7 tracks, and it is a total of nearly...
The Hungarian black metal band Aetherius Obscuritas returns to the pages of CA. The music is very well written and performed mix of fast and mid paced musical passages. The guitars...
shit!!! That is the reaction I am getting so far to the news that Fryktos
Burnings from the mighty lands of Greece has re-printed all 9 fucking
issues of Canadian Assault print issues in one huge special Tome! It is
something I have thought about for many years and Leonidas, owner of Fryktos and
a Canadian Assault approached me to do this exact project of re-printing all of
the long out of print issues!! It is an honour for me have Fryktos do this
project and gift to the die hard CA fiends and anyone who wished they had never
missed out on it all those years ago! Check it out and do not wait it is a
limited print run and there may not be any more produced after that... It is
available for order as of September 15, 2019... I do not have sale copies, so
all orders will go through Fryktos!
A great fanzine from France in
called Tough Riffs has recently released their 9th issue. The issue features no
less than 3 of my past in-depth interviews (one a co-interview with the scene
legend Keith Dempe) with all-new killer layouts. Please check it out and support
this man's great work and dedication to the Ug scene!
A man is never too drunk, so long as he can
hold onto one blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth.
Well it is about fucking time I wrote something new in this space!
So if you have been visiting this site regularly for the last two years, you
will notice I have ramped up the amount of time and attention I give the
site. No, it is not the amount I used to spend on the print issue way back
when, you know when I had tons of free time, lived metal day and night, did
not have a wife, kids, house, property and all that general life shit that
consumes you more and more as you get older. All the same though, I went a
number of years where I was updating the site with new writing like five or
six times a year probably. I now have forced myself to make this thing I do
love more of a priority so without fail the last two years I have been
updating this site every single month without fail. I hope to keep this up
indefinitely going forward.
So nothing but good news for die hard's that like this page and a little
notice for any of you that came here years ago, but stopped coming by
because it was hardly being updated. I do not do as many interviews as I
used to do. Canadian Assault has turned into more of a review site now,
though every once in a while either myself or Patrick do an interview and
even team up from time to time to do a tandem interview.
I have to admit I partially lost my inspiration for interviews. I try not to
slip into my old man get off my lawn, my time was so much better than now
mode. But all the same people and bands (sweeping generalization and does
not apply to all by any means) do not seem as dedicated or possibly
motivated to either do interviews or at least put any real effort into them.
If you know my interview style I try to do long, thought out, usually
researched interviews as I feel that is what it takes to make a good
interview, well, that and sometimes the best interviews are with bands /
people you have known for quite a while. I just can not look myself in the
mirror if I was one of these guys you see sometimes who have the same 6-8
ultra generic questions they use over and over in every interview they do.
That is just too boring and in those cases an insult, in my opinion, to the
bands that take the time to fill them out and do the best they can with next
to nothing to work with.
But in recent years like the last half decade or so, bands say they want to
do interviews, then either do an insulting job with them giving one line
dismissive answers, no matter how good, detailed or thought provoking a
question might be. That shit insults me and wastes my fucking time. I try to
help promote bands whose music I like, but they are too lazy or apathetic to
put in the required effort and time to promote themselves properly. That
sounds bad right? It is bad and annoying, but not even the worst of it,
though close, in too many other cases bands (even through a promo guy or
through their label) they want to do an interview. Then I put in the time
and effort to make a solid interview, research for it etc... and they never
even do the damn interview at all! You would not believe how often this
actually happens. I already have been having less inspiration, as I
mentioned, but you couple that with what I mentioned above and it takes the
wind out of my sails. I will still do interviews, but it will be more of a
once in a blue moon proposition for the time being.
I hope eventually to add more stuff to the site from the old print issues
both interviews and reviews. I love checking out that old stuff from other
people, so I am guessing some you would like to see more old CA material put
up. The physical copies are no longer for sale, so it would be cool to have
this way for them to live on still as they are snapshot of a very important
time in my life of metal and the Underground scene..
There is quite a bit of old stuff on here already, especially regarding
interviews, but I want to get up more old reviews too. I seem to have lost
some of the old files though for some issues so I would have to re-type them
all, so UGH! lol! Maybe some day on that stuff, just do not hold your breath
Just know that Canadian Assault and he legacy built over it's 20 plus years
of existence is still very important to me!! It will keep on the
march, ever vigilant, dedicated and ornery. This old metal goat still
has some fire in him yet!
Thank you my fellow metal brethren for you support now and throughout the
years. It makes my black heart pump and it is a real treat to see some of
the old bastards in the scene from 20 or 25 years ago are still around like
I am, alive and kicking, still dedicated to the scene we love.
Keep the ancient flame burning bright!
Dale Roy
The Canadian Assault print issue
I am not selling the back issues
any longer. I will try to keep putting more content from the old issues on
this site. I also hope one day to have PDF versions of some more of the
print issues. Which will be a free download. To start things off I am making
the issue #1 PDF available now below. Just right click and hit save to
Thank you to everyone who support CA. Cheers!
~ Dale
ISSUE # 1:
The debut issue is xeroxed and
contains 56 full sized pages and has interviews with: Infernal Majesty, Stratorvarius,
Fleshgrind, Tenebrae, Rotting, Eternal Darkness Recs/magazine/DistrIbution, Arch
Enemy, a 2 page Venom tribute section and more...
release with the following
interviews: Gorguts, Incantation, Intestine, Headache Described fanzine,
Lust, Quo Vadis, plus more. It is pro-printed on high quality newsprint and
is 48 full sized pages. Also it has a new feature the killer quotes section that
juicy quotes from all over the underground scene and reprints them. A ton of
reviews and many other surprises.
Pro printed on newsprint but added
this time is a glossy black & white cover! The Interviews include: Skinless, Athotorgh,
October 31, United Guttural Records, all 3 female editors of Metal Mafia
fanzine, Darkthrone, Pegazus & lots more. Again we have the Killer Quotes
section, a ton of reviews, Ancient album reviews. Articles on Canadian deathrash legends
Disciples Of Power and big jugged porno actress Christy
Canyon. All of this and much more in a 52 full size page package on high quality
newsprint with a black & white glossy cover.
ISSUE # 4:
The historic split issue with
the legendary long running Eternal Darkness with
their 13th issue. You get 2 dedicated underground fanzines for the price of
1!! It has a black & white glossy cover, pro-printed at a immensely packed 68 pages!
Some of the cult interviews included are: Pagan Records, Nunslaughter,
Immolation, Kaamos, Damnation Records, Unpure, Rites Of Thy Degringolade,
Lust, Vulpecula. Ultra hot porn actress Shane and A FUCKING TON MORE!!!!
Including a pictorial of the almighty Venom!! Diehard features such as
Killer Quotes and the popular Ancient Album Reviews.
ISSUE # 5:
Issue 5 comes in a half-size form
for the first time,
pro-printed with black & white glossy cover and is 68 fucking pages! Interviews
include Denial Of God, Rebaelliun, Tales Of The Macabre zine, Destruktor,
Disgorge, Necrodeath, Svartsyn, Dekapitator, Urgrund, Desecration and a shitload more!! Including 2 porn actress interviews!! As well as kult
features returning like Ancient album reviews, Killer Quotes, Ye Olde flyer
pages (Including cult OLD flyers from Sacrifice, Slaughter, King Diamond,
Necrovore, Repulsion etc...
ISSUE # 6:
You get 100 packed Half size
pages of damnation, alcohol & metal lust! Everything you expect from
Canadian Assault is here. the Interviews this time around
include: Bloodstorm, Thornspawn, Leather 'n Spikes zine, Gospel Of The
Horns, Bestial Mockery, Darkness Eternal, Slaughter and tons more.
ISSUE # 7:
This installment features
interviews with: Deeds Of Flesh, Grand Belial's Key, Witchburner / Iron
Bonehead Records, Paniac Records, possibly the longest Nunslaughter
interview ever!! Also a re-print of a very old pre-Fallen Angel Of Doom
Blasphemy interview courtesy of Keith Dempe of Eternal Darkness 'zine.
This issue feautures also the first installment of the now notorious
Roundtable of ranting & raving featuring various underground metal
ISSUE # 8:
Yes we decided to try once again the split issue thing. This time with my
Canadian metal brethren Cath and her mighty Leather 'n Spikes! It seemed
natural since we support each other and are both on issue #8. You get 116
full size pages with b&w glossy cover! Interviews are:
Pentagram (US doom legends!), Destroyer 666, Abigail, Lust, Cobalt, Insision,
Hellflame Productions, Goatfire, Terrorama, Misery's Omen, Drakkar
Productions, Possessed (yes a new one), a new PC killing brutal Ranting
ISSUE # 9:
interviews this time around include: Terrorama / I
Hate Records, Nocturnal / Deathstrike Records, Victimizer, Mortuary Drape,
Octagon + more! We have gone back to our roots with this final print
issue, it is photo-copied for the first time since issue 1! But this time but with
a more superior presentation of photo's / graphics and
a cardboard full colour front and back cover! A ton of reviews, demos,
horror flicks, a big vinyl review section, fanzines and many other
Dale Roy
Dale Roy Creator / Writer / Editor &
Webmaster of all things Canadian Assault
Yes the name was taken from the almighty Venom
What is there to tell
really? I started out with fanzine writing at the start of the 90s writing
for fanzines like Atheist Anthems, Devourment of Souls, Growling Brutality,
Inner Source
and a bunch more but the main one I wrote for was the notorious Canadian zine The Sepulchural Voice - just a great fanzine with a fuck you attitude.
I remember for a while in the early 90s we were banned by Century Media and
others for the lewd behaviour exhibited within. Anyway, I decided to do my
own thing in late 1997 and work on Canadian Assault issue 1 began in earnest
and the debut seen the light of day and the dark of night in early 1998.
For those wondering I am Canadian. I grew up in Canada for the first 24
years of my life, my parents, siblings etc... all still live there but I
moved to the USA at the end of 1998 after meeting an American woman. Oh yes, I am an old man,
or in a more metal term an old goat in the scene. I have a wife now, two children, a house, a mortgage and
all that fun shit. But I still keep soldering onward, like old man river.
Enough about me enjoy the fucking zine and support the scene!
* Finally I did something I have been promising for a decade
or more! I have done various minor re-organizing of the review section and
added some small amounts of archives. This time however I have spent some
serious time on it doing large re-organizing and added a a lot of reviews
from the old print issues to the site. I added stuff to the rapid fire
review archives, the album archives and a bunch of old reviews to the demo
archives. Check them out!
Top 10 Album playlist:
ATRÆ BILIS - Divinihility
RIPPED TO SHREDS - 亂 (Luan) 2020
MOTORHEAD - Another Perfect Day 1983
ABSU - Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L 1993
Into The The Grave 1991
MORBID ANGEL - Blessed Are The
Sick 1991
POWER TRIP - Nightmare Logic 2017
Necromantia & Varathron -
Black Arts Leads To Everlasting Sins Split Album 1994
THE OBSESSED - The Church Within 1994
Contract 1993
Top 5 Demo / 7" / Live playlist:
- Dawning Of Nibiru Demo EP 2020
MORNING STAR - Inside The Circle of The Pentagram Demo 1996
IMMORTAL - Immortal 7" EP 1991
IMMORTAL POSSESSION - Delicacy of Disease Demo 1992
NECROMANTIA - From The Past We Summon Thee 7" ep 1995
Patrick Schroeder
Editor of Canadian Assault
You already know Patrick, if you read the
reviews section. I first met Patrick when he started ordering Canadian
Assault print zine, and also from my fanzine distro, this was probably about
a decade ago or so (Yes we are both old goats in this scene!). Since then we
have gone on to become very good friends and metal brothers. Patrick picked
up the mantle writing for fanzines and creating a couple of his own, such as
Painful Reality & Primitive Ways zines.
As you can see, from the title above, Patrick has
accepted my invitation to become a permanent part of Canadian Assault. He is
the new Assistant Editor of CA and you will continue to read his reviews and
now Patrick will also be handling a lot of band interview duties. Which is a
great honour for me and also frees me up to concentrate more on reviewing
and updating & doing layouts for this site. Welcome aboard brother!!
Be sure to check out Patrick's own webzine as well
(see link below). It is a great zine in it's own right and in some ways a
companion to Canadian Assault. So go over there and read, any labels or
bands feel free to send promos to Patrick for review, he is an honest and
supportive guy who lives for the UG scene and some of his reviews will
appear on both sites, so double exposure.
Well unfortunately after about 6 years or
so of writing for the Assault Jeffrey decided to retire from fanzine life to
concentrate solely on the label. Though is one ever 100% retired in this
life? Do not be surprised if Jeffrey contributes the odd
vinyl review and maybe an interview once in a blue moon. Either way his
writing will be missed but with the extensive archiving of past issues and
so many of Jeffrey's reviews and a number of interviews included in the
archives I thought he deserved a spot in the Canadian Assault roster
listings. As Jeffrey will always be integral to the history of Canadian
Assault and one of my very best friends in my entire life until death and