You are pretty well known
to the black death fanatics of Europe but I don’t see your name too much
over here in America,
could you please introduce yourself and your band and describe your music to
my readers?
Svartsyn plays cursed black
metal since the early years of this decade. First started up as Chalice in
1991. Changed name 1993/94. Chalice’s members were: Ornias/guitar, and
Tormentor/drums & vocals. Tormentor left. Changed the name to Svartsyn and
S(cannot read the rest of his writing on this name so we will just call him
S - Dale) joined as guitar player. After the legendary “A Night created By
The Shadows” demo 1995. Draugen entered as drummer, Ornias on bass. After
the album “The True Legend” and the tour S was
fired. Replaced by Kolgrim bass. Ornias took the guitar.
What does the word Svartsyn mean?
Svartsyn is a Swedish word
which is a mental disease of a very deep pessimism. A pessimistic outlook.
Svartsyn is taken because of it fits to us as persons and it reflects the
music and the lyrix.
I only know your band from
the great “The True Legend” CD on Folter records and the promo 1999, what
else have you released over the years you have been together?
Our recording so far
SVARTSYN “A Night Created
By The Shadows” Demo 1995
SVARTSYN “The True Legend”
1996 CD
SVARTSYN “Tormentor” 7” EP
Recorded 1997 but released Oct. 1999
SVARTSYN “Bloodline” Adv.
CD Recorded 1997-8 (Currently) Unreleased 8 trax
SVARTSYN “Promo” 1999
How did the deal with Folter records come about and
are you still on good terms with them? What label will your next CD be on?
The deal with Folter was
okay. They got us on tour, which was okay. Folter was having money problems
during the time we recorded the 2nd album. That’s the reason why
it remains unreleased so far.
Has the promo ’99 stirred up any interested labels? If
you are at liberty to discuss it which labels?
The promo 1999 has helped
us getting new contacts. We are trying to make a deal with a label right
now. I don’t want to talk about it because nothing is clear.
Could you tell us about the recording of “The True
Legend”? It is a supremely violent piece of black death, how did you achieve
this sound?
We recorded “The True
Legend” in 3 nights! We recorded at night, 3 nights recording, 2 days
mixing. The guy we recorded with didn’t know anything about how we want our
sound. It didn’t come out as we wanted.
Is there a person from the past
whom you admire or perhaps you have been inspired by?
I don't think I can say I admire
someone in my past. It's more that I look up to people. My inspiration to
play music was Blackie from Wasp. "KILL FUCK DIE" was the best record ever
made. The concept makes the album the best. I admire some great people that
have lived in the past. I won't say any names, I don't want to comment on
When will the 7” be out on
Black Militia Records? Will it be the same tracks as on the promo 1999? What
songs will be on the 7”? Is the deal with B.M. good?
People can obtain our 7”
from Black Militia Productions. The songs are: “Goatthrone(new
version-better one)” and a song called “Throne Of The Antichrist” The music
is a piece of curse. I suggest you check out for flyers or someone who might
sell it. Or contact us or Black Militia (P.O. Box 68040, 28 Crowfoot Terrace
NW, Calgary, AB., T6G 3N8, CANADA) and the deal is okay.
I know Kolgrim is also in Unpure but what are some of
the other bands that Ornias and Draugen are in, if any (I think it is an
unwritten Swedish code in the metal scene that all musicians must have at
least 1 or 2 side bands!? - Dale Roy)? Could you tell us about any
demos/albums that my readers and I can get and from where?
I have no other projects or
bands (*GASP*-Dale). The same with Draugen I think.
When will the next album of Svartsyn be out? Could you
tell us about your new material? Any song titles you can divulge?
At the time I can’t say. We
have some stuff going on. As soon as possible would be the best. Our 2nd
album is recorded 1997/98. And we record our 3rd album now in
December 1999. The new material is violent and more evil. More fast. 2nd
album contains songs as: “Upon The Throne”, “The Great Mysteriis Of Death”,
“Terror Demon”, “Bloodline”, “Vampire Sleep” etc. 3rd album
contains songs as: “Dungeons”, “I Am Cleopatra’s Killer”, “It Breathes”,
“The Tunnel Of Majesty”, “Flesh”, “Apocalypse” etc.
What is a Svartsyn live experience like? Would you say
it is as violent as your recorded material? Could you give us your set list?
Some shows are good and
some bad. But the latest was in Germany at the Under The Black Sun II it
went good. We try to play these songs live: “The Great Mysteriis Of Death”,
“The Shadows Is Painting My Eyes” etc. Mostly songs from the 1st
and the 2nd albums.
How would you say is the
best way to deal with enemies? Are you a supporter of violence?
The best way to deal with the enemy is simply to kill
them. I don't fear any kind of punishment. I am not afraid to go to jail,
not at all. If someone has something against me and wants to knock me down,
they had better kill me. I am going to come back to kill the bastard. I will
never forget. Maybe it will take one year until I take my revenge or maybe
ten years. It doesn't matter, hate will still be the same. I am a supporter
of violence because it is so common in the world. You see it on TV, you read
about it everyday. It's almost like entertainment. Humanity is more violent
than it was in the 60's or 70's. It really makes me wonder why more people
don't listen to more extreme music because it fits the situation of today.
Do you have any material still available? Could you
give us a price and an address?
There could be stuff left
in some corner, but not that I know of right now.
Do you have any comments to close with?
Keep yours eyes open for
our releases in the near future. So far our recording on the 3rd
album kicks ass! People who like violent cursed music should check us out.
SVARTSYN, C/O Sundelin,
Backluragagen 29A, 149 43 Nynashamn, SWEDEN
Email =