me, all this fuckin' "nu-metal" hype is one of these pathetic trends that
could stop soon existing. It's NO metal; it has simply NOTHING to do with
the old fuckin' metal roots!! In the meantime, let kids cut their hair and
wear trendy-ass jogging suits that obviously their nice moms have bought to
them. They all disappear as soon from the real metal scene as the whole
fuckin' "nu-metal" stops existing.” +
“VENOM was an
important band to us because they had that very rough, primitive sound in
the beginning that no other bands were having; so they were truly one of the
- Schmier of Destruction /
Metal-Rules.com webzine interview
“I heard from a friend that
your ex-guitarist Nebiross was going around masturbating himself…Is that
true? Yes
that’s true he is a real masturbator!! He is masturbating all the time…Yes
when we went on tour with Usurper and Hecate Enthroned. We were having beer
and all that stuff and suddenly he stood up and put his dick out and starts
with it…There is some complaint at the police against him because he was in
town and went to some chicks with his dick out and said “come suck my dick
you fucking sluts… And he beat up his girlfriend? No. But that he
beat up Dani from C.O.F. that’s true…Yes Dani is gay!! They are acting like
rockstars, I hate them!! So it is true that he is gay? Yes and
Nagash, Lex Icon from The Kovenant he is really gay, he wasn’t but he is
now, I know for sure.”
- Both from Tsebaoth of Enthroned / Fullmoon zine interview
“Got any funny stories from your childhood? I’ve got heaps of funny stories, one, I was just telling
someone the other day, I was about 14 and I was jamming with my first band
at the rehearsal studio. There was another band in the room next to us. The
owner of the studio wanted to go home so he told us to lock up when we
leave, this was on a Friday, so when we left I locked the other band in
their room, not really thinking much of it. The following Tuesday we
rehearsed again and the owner came into our room and told us the band next
to us last Friday, spent the whole weekend locked in their room. They had to
piss & shit in a bucket & finally on Monday morning they managed to smash
their way through the roof, they set off the alarm and the police came and
arrested them! Of course we denied any involvement!”
- Marauder of Gospel Of The Horns / Forgotten Chapel zine interview
(Review) “METALLICA: S&M I still wish it was Lars that was
crushed by the bus though. He’s such a fucking homo.”
- Review by Tom in Midwest Metal fanzine
can’t wait to record again, cause the next one should be fuckin’ sick &
violent & make you want to fuck the knife wound that you just ripped in some
Korn fans gut!”
- Thom of Putrefactor / Treats From The
Underground zine interview
“Favorite conspiracy
theory? Jesus was black (and
could dance)”
- Richard Santos
Interview / Body Bags (Paper or Plastic?) interview issue # 16
see SLIPKNOT, and they're, 'Yeah, we're so mad and evil blah, blah,
blah.' Okay, whatever. Your misplaced angst is really lost on me, because I
know you're rich as fuck! You know? And besides that, you're from Iowa.”
- Oderus Ungurus of Gwar /
Abrasive Rock interview
you found 100 dead women (sexy hot cadavers) in a huge garage, what would
you do with those?
What would you do man? That’s a huge number of babes I would
make a party!”
– Antimo of Disgorge(MEX) /
Anorexia Orgasm Webzine
“What was the sickest thing you ever seen anywhere?
The sickest shit I ever
seen was a seven month old human fetus jammed in an underground sewage pump
in Yonkers,
N.Y. It got there through some woman’s toilet!!”
– Ron Kachinic of
Malignancy / NJ March Metal Meltdown Fest 2000 Magazine
metal has been mutilated, raped and twisted, with a kind of abuse of
experiments, too much synths, female vocals.”
- Erick (vocalist) of Black
Angel / Desecration Of Virgin zine interview
“What’s your general opinion concerning girls in the metal scene?
Now there are heaps of women into the scene, but it seems
they are still mainly into the glam stuff, like Cradle Of Gay and Dimmi
Hamburger or what ever the fukk they are called. You know, all this
keyboard, poofter, fairybook shit.”
- Rok of Rok / Sadistik
Exekution / Desecration Of Virgin zine interview
“We have dreamed to become rock stars, so that’s why we
started a band.”
- Sergey Dmitriev of Mental
Home / Cerberus zine interview
“Nuclear Blast is the gayest label in the country... or
anywhere in the world for that matter. I hate Marcus Staiger or whatever his
name is. He's a prick and a loser, and I'll punch him in his face if I ever
see him.”
- King
Fowley of Deceased / October 31 / Old Metal Recs from Metal Nightmare zine
“Please tell us about your tattoos…?
My forearm is covered by a female warrior (this is handy when masturbating
- Howitzer of Gospel Of The
Horns / Tales Of The Macabre zine interview
“What do you think has broken the band’s neck in your career? Too man reasons, Costa, but there were many people who wanted to own
and control Venom, but unlike Metallica, Venom did not want to be some
record company puppets at any cost…instead we smacked them in the fuckin’
mouth for their threats.”
- Cronos of the masters of
might & mayhem VENOM / Tales Of The Macabre zine interview
“Will you stay at Necropolis records for the next, third Nifelheim album?
The last thing
Nifelheim will do is to record another album for Necropolis records. They
are impossible to work with. Except from the fact you don’t get any money,
they are incapable of doing anything right. I could talk about this for a
long time, but…”
- Hellbutcher of Nifelheim /
Tales Of The Macabre zine interview
“We think music is so important as the lyrics, when you
play death metal you have to show people why you are doing it, it’s not just
music, it’s a way of life… Rebaelliun plays extreme metal and Rebaelliun
writes extreme lyrics, we live in a fucking inferno and that’s why we are
playing so fast and extreme as hell”
- Fabiano of Rebaelliun /
Tornado zine interview
“What is your view on animal sacrifices…?
The thing with sacrificing animals is a sacrifice is very exciting with the
energy that leaves the death of the sacrificed between the spill of blood.
In my youth I use to tear apart and cut in pieces cats, I got to exterminate
about a hundred of them and felt a lot of pleasure doing this, I enjoyed
this, but I never did this as a sacrifice in honor of something, it was just
a pleasure.”
- Lord Sargatanas of
Sargatanas / Tornado zine interview
“Being in a band is easier than doing a zine. As a
musician you do whatever you want. If you’re a zine editor you have a
responsibility to every band, every label, with what you write. And then
printing up an issue every month or two. I only have to do an album once a
- Don Anderson of Sculptured /
Agalloch / Infernal Archives fanzine from Lactations of A Fairy Princess
zine interview
“What are your opinions on this pollution of our scene with wimpy and soft
sounding instruments / influences (keys, violins, operatic female vocals,
goth, classical etc…) being mixed with extreme metal?
The bands who use operatic female vocals need to realize that you're
supposed to FUCK the groupies, DON'T make them the singer in your band!”
- Terry
McCorriston of Scorched Earth / Agonia zine interview
“We sent our CD to fanzines, mags and distros. Almost
not (at all) to labels (except those running a distro) because we don’t
wanna be signed. We just want to stay a true underground unsigned band as
long as we will be able to do this. Nowadays metal has some commercial
tendencies (like Suicidal Tendencies, Machine Head, Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu
Borgir, etc…) and I think those bands are getting away of the true spirit of
metal and we don’t want to follow them.”
- Fred of French grinders
Inhumate / Burning Shadows zine interview
“We arrived intentionally late to miss as many
pay-to-play bands as possible”
- Adam
Wasylyk in article about Milwaukee Metalfest 2000 in Unrestrained! Zine
“I've never been involved in other bands. You see,
Darkthrone is my life, without Darkthrone I would probably leave this
planet. Thinking about Darkthrone every single fucking day, man!… Darkthrone
are the one and only thing for me the next decade....at least!”
+ “We will NEVER play live again. We're not a live band
at all. Concerts only make our music too fucken human.” + “We are
the only one who performs black metal in Norway…Many bands think they're
real men because they've "evolved", but they're not. Only shows that they
never really was into black metal and the darkside!”
– Nocturno
Culto of Darkthrone / Prelude To Darkness webzine interview (conducted Jan.
“Some worship at church before god, I worship at metal before VENOM!”
- Keith Dempe of Eternal
Darkness from Unhallowed fanzine interview
really looking forward to the new No Doubt record. I like Blondie, Pat
Benatar, I’m into the girlie new wave…I can listen to Carcass, then the Wild
Dogs, then Triumph, and Shania Twain…If you’re into death metal you
have to love Reign In Blood. I don’t! I don’t worship Seven Churches, I
can’t stand Celtic Frost, I think Destruction is boring…The same with
- King
Fowley of October 31 / Deceased from Transcending The Mundane zine Interview
“I heard some kid got hurt
at an I.B. show and his parents sued you, was this true?
Yeah, it is…some kid hurt
himself somehow. They say it was from crowd riding, or whatever. He hurt
himself and turned around and sued us for ten and a half million dollars,
but they didn’t get anything out of us. It really annoyed me, but it’s all
over with so I don’t really care anymore. I just hope the guy dies, or at
least his parents suffer a horrible death, or something, to make me feel
better. I wish the kid would be crippled, at least. Fuckin’ bastard suin’ me
like that.”
– Chris Pervelis of Internal Bleeding / Discordia zine interview
Whenever a new trend comes, weak minded people (sheeps) who
have no personality jump in the new (band)wagon and try to play this new
style at all cost but unfortunately they can’t write anything good because
they don’t really feel it inside of them.”
- Gab of Nihilistic Holocaust zine
“My family and I have always been against these kind of
religions. I remember when I was six years old these Jehovah’s Witnesses
come and knocked on the door. I remember my mother, she hid under the table
in the kitchen, and told me to go and open the door and tell them to ‘get
the fuck out of here’. I took a lighter out and started to put their bible
on fire and say ‘this is the house of satan. You have no right to be
- Lord Ahriman of Dark Funeral / Quiddity zine interview
“…if some black metal kid wearing a “Jesus Sucks” shirt at a
Mayhem concert starts telling you how “evil” he is, go ahead and kick his
ass ‘cause if he was so damn “evil” he’d probably over at his grandma’s
house cooking her kidneys, not stealing $10 from mom and sneaking out with
her eyeliner hoping he doesn’t get caught on the way to the show!”
- Chris Alder of Burn The
Priest / Spear zine interview
“What do you want for
christmas? What do you think about christmas in general?
Christmas? I like it a lot.
Then I’m home eating a lot of good food and gets a lot of christmas
presents. I think christmas is great as I don’t have to go to my job. I
usually watch tv…”
- Hellhammer of Mayhem / Prostata zine interview
“Any funny stories from
your childhood?
I was a fucking heathen growing up! Some of the shit I got in trouble for
was setting the road on fire in front of an oncoming car, & building a 4
foot tall black ramp & putting it on the road at night to see an
unsuspecting driver jump it going 55 mph!”
- Ben Deskins of
Regurgitation / Metal Mafia zine interview
“Tell us the significance
behind the names of your children – have you encountered any controversy
over their strong names?
My first born is Alexzander Adolph and my second born and
only daughter is Pagan Lee, and my third child is Thomas Belial. I could go
on for pages but you should have been there at Saint Catherine’s hospital to
see the lady’s face who was doing the birth certificate, when I said Belial,
Fuck yeah, ha ha ha!”
- Mike Eisenhauer of Evil Incarnate / Metal Mafia zine interview
“To be a part of this underground is like having a world wide
family. A family that will be with you as long as you want it to.”
- Jaime of Severance /
Unholy Terror interview
needs another war metal band like the world needs another Cradle Of Filth
- K.K. Warslut of Destroyer 666 / Desecration Of Virgin zine interview
“Dismal Euphony, Arcturus, Cradle of Trend, Limbonic Art,
Emperor…I don’t call such bands black metal anymore because black metal is a
really brutal style, just listen to old Samael, old Dark Throne, Beherit or
old Bathory. ‘Key-black-metal’ is a new style for me, which has nothing to
do with black metal, I call it pussy music!”
- Editor King Wolle of Desecration Of Virgin zine
“We wouldn’t tour with Cradle Of Filth or Dimmu Borgir or
other shit. We don’t like such music, keyboard shit!! When I see bands who
have keyboards from start to end (of a song) and call their music old black
metal, I could vomit on them! For me this is proof those bands can’t create
any atmosphere with guitars.”
- Tormentor of Desaster /
Desecration Of Virgin intie
“What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life?
I had gone to apply for a job and I had to take a drug test. Well, they give
me this cup to piss in and I go do my business. Well, as I’m coming out of
the bathroom the cup slips out of my hand and I look down and it hits the
ground, and my piss splashes all over and some of it hits my face and it got
all over my pants. Amazingly there was still enough piss in the cup for them
to run the tests. I still had to go out and give the lady my cup of piss and
that was embarrassing, because as I said it had gotten all over my pants.
That really sucked!”
- Francisco Pulido of No Weak
Shit Records / Underground Brutality zine intie
“I see all these big labels and their publicists, I see Bill
Zebub and all his minions, and I think, fuck, if I want to be successful, do
I have to hang out with these people? Are these the people I have to work
with and get along with? I hate them!” + “I read a Cryptopsy
interview in The Grimoire once where Bill Zebub asked Mike D. these humorous
questions about being a French Canadian. That’s all well and good except
Mike is from from
Boston! Duh”
- (Both from) Jill Girardi of Razorback Records / Brutalized zine interview
“Please explain what gore metal means to you, personally.
Gore metal to me, is an extension of gore movies, which we love. We play
this style of music because we love it. Fuck, Ollie is a qualified
mortician, Jon, our guitarist, is a grave digger!”
- (Both from) Glenn of Desecration / Brutalized zine interview
“As you are from
Poland, do you
hear any latest news from Peter & Pandemonium and Pilot & Bundeswehra?
Well, latest
news from Peter and Pandemonium was he died at the beginning of ’97. He
suffered from cancer and probably something more. Pilot, hah! This man is
not involved in black metal scene anymore, no-one treats him seriously. He
was seen on TV dancing on a disco video-clip, can you believe it?
Bundeswehra belongs to the past and everyone is happy because of this
fact…Death to posers!!!”
- Jaro Slav of Lux Occulta / Hormala zine interview
“Got any funny stories? When we arrived
Colorado for a show, we got
our hotel and we all wanted to take showers. Now our bassist, Jay’s
ex-girlfriend came with us so she decided that she was gonna take first
shower. As she began to undress, I smelt a foul odor coming from her
direction. So I stood about five feet away from her and just as she
unbuttoned her pants: the stench hit me. Man, she had some nasty pussy odor!
I almost vomited!”
- Tim Pittides of Entorturement / Deathcore zine interview
“Sparky attacked the guy from Morbid Records in
Poland, after he smuggled
weed over the German border in our camper. It was funny cause the guy
couldn’t speak English, and Sparky is choking him and screaming in his
face…the fear in his eyes was priceless”
- Jason Netherton of Dying Fetus / Deathcore zine interview
“We try to get a very atmospheric sound without the use of
keyboards and stuff. I don’t like keyboard based. I think it’s romanticized
the music, and I don’t see anything romantic about black metal!”
- Lord Ahriman of Dark
Funeral / Transcending The Mundane zine interview
“Peter, would it be
simplifying things to say that most of this album seems to be about killing
people? Not all
about killing people; some of them (songs) are about beating people up as
– Peter Dolving (When he
was in) The Haunted / Terrorizer magazine interview
“Is Impaled Nazerene’s
music good for love making?
If your dick is small enough to put it through that hole in
the cd, then I guess sure…”
- Mikka from
Impaled Nazerene / Rutto
zine interview
“Dimmu Borgir was nothing until they signed to Nuclear Blast.
What pisses me off about Dimmu Borgir is that the position they have now,
they try to step on everybody else and spreading all this shit about Emperor
and Satyricon” + “Weren’t you involved in a fire breathing
accident a couple years ago? Someone told me the guys from Immortal use
lighter fluid. I tried that and I burnt my face and my hair. So for the
whole tour, I had corpse paint around this big swollen red wound. It was not
very nice.”
- (Both from) Ihsahn of Emperor / Neptune zine interview
“Almost all the zines I’m seeing today don’t come out unless
they find enough big labels to buy ad space to finance them. Selling ads is
important, but the success or failure of your zine should NOT be decided by
someone else. Have some pride people!”
- Jill Girardi of I Spit On Your Grave zine
“People must be stupid to be religious! I mean, this is 1998,
and some people still believe in god! That’s stupidity beyond
- Amok Of Hellstorm / Oskorei zine interview
“Your discography was about to open a couple of years
before “Hailstorm” by a split album on Necropolis Records with Archgoat
(Fin) but the release was cancelled, why? I just didn’t find any
suitable releasers at the time…And that Archboat thing was cancelled,
‘cos I met those guys and noticed that Negropolis was really a master
label in rip-offs!!”
- Demonos of Barathrum / Cerberus zine interview
“What is your worst road experience? The thing that
really sticks in my mind is when I was going over the Canadian border with
Suffocation. We got held up, everyone got strip-searched. That was a
nightmare. I got violated.”
- Dave Culross of Suffocation & Malevolent Creation / Last Judgement zine
“Music and lyrics are equally important for us but we spend a
lot more time coming up with the lyrics than the music.” + “The
new album is entilted Bloodhemn which is in English Blood Revenge. Is there
somebody you would take blood revenge on? ‘Is there anybody you would
take blood revenge on?’ Come on fruitcake this is an interview with a band!
Bloodhemn is a concept in it’s many interpretations, not some silly threat
to anybody”
- (Both from) Ivar Bjornson of Enslaved / Nightwalk zine interview
“The chainsaw is the best fucking weapon in the world and
when you get a chainsaw in your hand, it’s like you’re holding the most
biggest and most dangerous cock in the world! You wanna hold it and ram it
into everything!!”
- Perly Penile Papules of
Exhumed / Unrestrained fanzine interview
“I don’t have any problems with this zine, but I did have a
problem with the pic of the band Moonlyght. Somone has to tell these guys
that corpse paint and running shoes just don’t mix. If there ever was a
black metal faux pas, that would be it.”
- Adam of Unrestrained fanzine
“Since Sabbat albums are so limited, are you for or
against them being bootlegged? If our stuff is bootlegged, it’s a very
good thing for us. It’s proof of being “cult”. If anyone wants to release or
bootleg my stuff, do it!” + “Are there any plans to collect your
many 7” records onto one CD? They will never see a CD pressing! I don’t
want to do a release of all vinyl Eps and LPs onto CDs! This is my “die
hard” attitude. This is my respect to fans (who bought limited vinyl).”
- (Both from) Gezol of Sabbat / Metal Nightmare zine interview
“I also heard you mix some techno under the name DJ Ebola,
is that true? I quit the name DJ Ebola and now I’m running around
(under) the name DJ Lex Luther, the bad guy from Superman. I mix techno and
trance and shit like that… I listen to a lot of techno…”
- Fenriz of Darkthrone /
Nightwalk zine interview
“What were the circumstances that led to the departure of
Kimberly Goss (ex-Ancient, Therion, Sinergy ect)? She wouldn’t show up
for practice. Then the one time she just never came back. She stole Rick’s
violin and video camera and Chris’ guitar!!”
- Jim Genenz of Avernus /
The Blasphemer zine interview
“I think the Norwegian black metal scene is pathetic. What
once was great, has now become a pathetic bunch of sold out ego maniacs,
bands like Dimmu Borgir and Satyricon selling out to the corporate christian
cunts! Especially when Moonfog would not even fill US orders, and now they
bend over for the corporate cock at the
US based Century Media!”
+ “Do you think Polish black metal will be the next big black
metal trend? I just hope that the great Polish warriors maintain their
underground ethic, and do not sell out to the christian world like the
Norwegians have!”
- Akhenaten of Judas Iscariot & Breath Of Night Records / The Blasphemer
zine interview
Canada a good
market for the band since you’ve played a few gigs there?
Canada has been very good
to us. We’ve played to some of the biggest and sickest crowds we’ve ever
played in front of in
Any serious death metal band should hit
- Kelly Izquerdo Mortal
Decay / The Blasphemer zine interview
“For the first CD release, you decided originally to enter
Sunlight Studio in
Stockholm. The
quality of the recording was, well, not that impressive. This prompted you
to re-enter Abyss Studio and the job again with Peter. Was this problem with
equipment and/or production that caused the band to re-locate?
We spent 3 weeks in
Sunlight and still we could get a better sound in our rehearsal room with
Johan’s $10 tape recorder! There was also three guys working there as
engineers and every other day we had a new guy and they were circulating
around the bands like a fucking merry-go-round. The best part was when they
realized they had fucked up the recording and started to blame us, that our
drummer Martin sucks and I couldn’t play guitar!”
- Olli of Amon Amarth /
Antithesis zine interview
“What do you think of 90s black metal? I have heard
that Norwegian bands particularly Darkthrone praise Macabre. I remember
Euronymous being a big fan back in the mid-eighties. As far as black metal I
like it.”
- Nefarious of Macabre /
Eternal Darkness zine interview
for these righteous Nation Socialist Black Metalers who feel Satan has no
place in Black Metal… well la-de-da, how many times did they shit in their
diapers the year VENOM released “Welcome to Hell”? The whole evolution of
black metal becoming national socialist is derived from left hand path
philosophy via Satanism! VENOM tried to capture the emotionally cathartic
power equivalent to a Nuremberg rally.”
- Sabazios Diabolus of the Canadian Lust / Massive Head Trauma zine
is socialized, Profit is privatized!”
- Noam Chomsky speaking the
capitalist system / Monkey Wrenching The World Order Spoken Word CD
are always trying to blame everything on movies, television, or bands. Don’t
they believe that some people just snap? I believe it’s the other way
around. Bands, movies, and TV get their ideas from life!”
- Fernando Avila of Sepsism /
Portrait Of Defiance zine interview
(Review of Stretch Arm Strong) “Does anyone in the world feel like hearing
some breast fed rich kid scream at the top of his lungs about how he found
Jesus Christ? Jesus died, how about following your leader?”
– Jack Botos of Portrait Of Defiance zine
“Fanzines – people putting their time and money into a
project that is fullfilling themselves is amazing. The fanzines are
ultimately what keeps the scene going and thriving underneath the corporate
worlds and the main magazines and labels. Fanzines are from the
heart…because without them the scene wouldn’t be half as much as it is.
They’re holding their responsibilities of keeping that foundation.”
- Mike Disalvo of Cryptopsy / Lamentations Of A Flaming Pussy zine interview
Label interest so far? Tell me about Merciless Recs?
I sent them a tape of
quality music and they write back. ‘Lilac is gay. Keyboards are gay. (Your)
music is gay. Why would we want to sign a band that’s gay?”
- Derek of the band Lilitu / Lactations Of A Flame Queen zine interview
“I’m a
straightforward person, so I just lump out the words, you know?…many times I
have been too sharp with my mouth. That happened with the Terrorizer article
too…I fucked up with that. We had plans to release an EP called the “Fuck
Cradle Of Filth EP” and Cradle Of Filth has mighty attorneys, and they
threatened us and said we couldn’t release an album under that title”
- Herr Nattefrost of
Carpathian Forest / Wormgear interview
“I do
not support demo bands”
- Jim Raggi editor of Lamentations Of A Flame Princess zine
“Consolation” tour with Grave and Rotting Christ, they both suck, are trendy
assholes and fucking hate metal!”
- Unidentified member of Nembrionic / Hellfrost zine interview
vision toward women? What is the best band to listen to while fucking them?
Women are a cancer that use their cunts to impose stupidity upon
men!…Violent sex is always better! The best was also when listening to
Autopsy “Mental Funeral”. I had a slut suck her menstrual blood off my cock
and my tongue was shoved up her ass!”
- Sabazios Diabolus of Lust / Leather ‘N Spikes zine interview
you think that the new album (Resurrection) came out much more intense than
"Cast"? Something has changed in your approach to the composition? Cronos: "Yes, more aggression and fury, we
channeled all out anger into the song writing, the intensity of the tracks
is severe, plus we nailed the fuckers".
Mantas: "My approach to the composition was KILL! FUCK! MURDER!DEATH! RIP!
SLICE! TEAR! and a bit more FFUUCCKK !!!".
– Cronos & Mantas of Venom / Venom Legions Website
“Everything comes from our almighty father VENOM so no one can say (in the
black metal scene) their influence come from something else.”
- Dead Of Mayhem (before his death – circa 1991) / Slayer mag Interview
“Can you tell us a funny story, maybe about the time at my place where you
forced Astennu (in his pre-Covenant & Dimmu Borgir days!) to get rid of his
Burzum shirt? HAHA!
Well, about the Burzum shirt I can tell you that we had our old member Goat
with us who didn’t like Burzum, so he forced him to put it inside out and
that was pretty funny I think.”
- Tyrant &
Hellbutcher of Nifelheim / Slayer mag interview
what did you think when Euronymous was killed?
It saddens me greatly, I hate Burzum and Varg! I hate Vikernes with a
passion! Now he says all metal music is nigger music! Well cunt, we don’t
have anything to do with Nigger music! HAIL TRUE METAL AND FUCK YOU VARG!”
- Killjoy of Necrophagia /
Slayer mag interview
ever have I encountered a label worse than Necoropolis!! NEVER!!! The day I
meet up with Paul Thind of Necropolis is the day he gets his skull crushed.
If we know he is coming over again (to Sweden), we will be there with big
knives. Knives that cut deep. If they will, as planned, open a Swedish
office we will be the first to burn it to the ground.”
- Blackmoon of War / Infernal (ex-Dark Funeral & Necrophobic) from Slayer
mag interview
you are a fan of grind, gore and undecipherable medical terminology, then
you and Disgorge are a perfect match, kind of like a serial killer matched
with the world’s overpopulation problem.”
- Phil of Brutalized ‘zine
“Disease is a horrible thing! In the heavy metal community
our diseases are posers and puppets. Those are just there to take up space
and live off the land just long enough to weaken and alter the quality of
the metal genre.”
- King Fowley of Deceased / Brutalized ‘zine interview
“It is my understanding that a lot of the more popular death
metal bands won’t even do an interview for a ‘zine unless it is
professionally printed and has over a thousand circulation. I thought metal
was from the heart, not from your wallet.”
- Peter Richards of
Discordia ‘zine
(Review of Christian band Living Sacrifice) “These guys are
still living? Somebody kill them! Die, you christian fags! A band that’s
changed styles more than the European club scene! Rating: Even Jesus Christ
thinks you suck!!!”
- King Fowley of Stay True,
Stay Ugly And Stay Underground ‘zine
“The most horrible dream you ever made (had)? I can
remember when I was seven or eight yrs. old. I quite often dreamed that I
found my parents in the bed broiled / roasted like chicken. Every detail was
to be seen and this dream came again and again and again…”
- Jurgen of
Bethlehem / Leather’N
Spikes ‘zine interview
“What things do you support and what not, in general?” I don’t support kids writing to me with questions for the
first issue of their crappy ‘zine.”
- Henke Forss of Division
187/ Freezing Flames ‘zine interview
“There’s another label / distro in Australia, Modern Invasion Music. Are you in touch, trying to support each other
or is there rivalisation between you? Unfortunately, the owner of Modern Invasion prefers to be
competitive and not cooperate like the underground should /used to. We
tried to cooperate with him in the past but he always tried to subversively
destroy us. Childish really…”
- Rod Scott of Warhead Records / Freezing Flames ‘zine interview
“Actually I was quite good at football field some years ago,
but after I was forced into puberty I replaced this interest (football) with
masturbation, beer and metal… you know, the real things in life”
- Stian Smorholm of Enchanted / Freezing Flames ‘zine interview
“You see, when a woman becomes part of the metal scene, they
must soon realize this is a man’s world. Men created metal, men listen to
metal. If a woman chooses to be metal, great! (But) they should not cry if
they threatened (by men seeing them) like tits and ass.”
- Lori Jirka of A View Into The Abyss & Abyss Productions / Freezing Flames
‘zine interview
“Norwegians: You’re not vikings, your country couldn’t fight
it’s way out of a butthole anymore, and the only quality commodity you
country produces in abundance is Christmas trees; not bands.”
- Scott Waldrop of
Twisted Tower Dire /
Hatespawn ‘zine interview
“A record label is like a whore. To stay in business a whore
has to give her public what it wants, that is, cheap unfeeling sex. Plenty
of people settle for that so the whore stays in business.”
John of Scepter / Intellektual Spew ‘zine interview
“There was one party last new year we played. We were stuffed
in the kitchen, and the whole living room was just one huge pit! It was the
smallest, most packed and most violent pit I’d ever seen. It was fucking
- Travis Weickum of Skinned
/ Metal Mafia ‘zine interview
“I’m possessed by brutal grinding death metal! It’s the only
type of music that I feel like I’m truly being myself when I play it. I
still support the scene because I have respect for it!! The underground
death metal scene was kind to me in the early days! The underground is my
true home!”
- John McEntee of Incantation / Metal Curse ‘zine interview
America’s like Mexico: we
have a one party state that’s basically a dictatorship run by the rich.
Unlike Mexico, here it masquerades as a two party state.”
- Jello
Biafra / Metal Curse interview
think it’s pretty stupid about how people want to ban pornography on the
internet, when it’s available everywhere.
What damages a child’s mind
more - seeing people making love or seeing people get their heads blown off
on the news every night?”
- Jello
Biafra / Metal Curse ‘zine interview
“How long have you been playing?
About 8 years now. However,
I’ve been playing with myself for much longer.”
- Craig Rowe of Hemdale / Metal Curse ‘zine interview
“Sometimes someone will send me a ‘zine and a letter that
lets me know it was sent in trade for one of mine. Hey! I didn’t say that I
would! I usually throw the ‘zine in the garbage because I consider that
- Bill Zebub of Grimoire Of Exalted Deeds ’zine / Metal-Core ‘zine
(Review of Einherjer’s “Odin Owns Ye All” CD) “Odin owes ye
all $12.00 for buying this piece o’ crap.”
- Tom of
Metal fanzine
it true that One Life Crew showed up at an Earth Crisis show wearing fur?
It’s true Steve showed up to an Earth Crisis show with a mink stole (the
kind where the head bites the tail) on. It was a riot! You could hear a pin
drop in that club when he hit the door. And Smurf Crisis, for all their
preaching, didn’t do shit about it. They are suckers who never stand up for
what they believe. They believe in selling records and that’s it.”
- John Lockjaw of One Life Crew / Sociopathic Despair ‘zine interview
“How did you get that part (playing in the movie Ace
Actually Jim Carey is a big death metal fan and particularly a fan of
Cannibal Corpse. So he actually requested that we were in the movie.”
- Paul Mazurkiewicz of
Cannibal Corpse / Satan’s Candy Basket ‘zine interview
“Do you get offended when people call you a ‘spic’?
No, I get hungry! I start thinking about tortillas, beans and rice, chili,
all the stuff ma used to make. Mmmmm, spic!”
- Richard Santos of Chupacabra / I Hate You Motherfucker ‘zine interview
somebody apparently lured me to take some Angel Dust…and I totally
freaked…don’t remember much, but I heard some wild stories about what I did
that day. Anyway I woke up far outside the city, without a clue where I was
or where the others (of Dellamorte) were…fuck me…Almost got kicked off the
band that day…hehehe. So, Canada was truly a cool experience…crazy
people…crazy girls…crazy…”
- Daniel of Dellamorte / Metal Rules! ‘zine interview