Robert hails to my metal
brother! How is it going? I think the last time we talked was by phone
somewhere in mid to late 1996!! Please explain why you put a stop to MEAT
SHITS in 1996 and relocated to fucking Utah of all places?
Well Dale there was
numerous reasons why I stopped doing MEAT SHITS in 1996. When I first
started up the band in the late eighties the underground didn't have rules.
But around 1993 certain faggots in the music scene (mostly from the San
Francisco bay area) succeeded in poisoning impressionable minds with their
pro-gay/anti-sexist propaganda. Unfortunately most of the people involved in
the underground are very impressionable and stupid. The band started getting
alot of negative feedback concerning the pornographic concept. Since other
bands (who will remain nameless) gave in to politically correct psychobabble
and changed their image MEAT SHITS did exactly the opposite. The band
decided to be more extreme than ever before. The image and lyrical content
became more misogynist, sexist and anti-gay. I am not a person that follows
rules especially ones created by a bunch of tree hugging poo-stabbers. This
decision envoked the avarice of politically correct scum the world over. By
end of 1995 MEAT SHITS had recorded 4 new albums "Tenebrae", "Vicious Act Of
Machismo", "The Second Degree Of Torture" And "She Was Asking For It". Only
"The Second Degree Of Torture" got released (which I never even got a copy
of) the labels that were going to issue the other albums eventually backed
out the deal due to politically correct peer pressure. This really pissed me
off, as in my opinion (and many others) this was best MEAT SHITS material to
date. After all the label disputes again I was left without band members. By
the end of 1996 I had tried to reform MEAT SHITS again with new members in
my old area but it just didn't work out as the drummer sucked ass. Also I
had grown so tired of never having a committed line-up and going through
constant member after member. So on Christmas of 1996 I officially declared
MEAT SHITS was done and called it a day. As for why I moved to Utah of all
fucking places at the beginning of 1997 my area of Modesto suffered from an
extreme flood damage after the
overflowed. This incident caused me to lose my job and I was desperate so I
had an opportunity to become a carpet installer in the
Utah area. So I packed up my shit and moved away since I
had nothing to keep me in
This eventually turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.
Tell us about your trip to
the "November To Dismember" fest and the ruffians you attempted to re-start
MEAT SHITS with while still in Utah? Was it people's cult remembrance of
MEAT SHITS that made you want to start up again or did you just miss it?
Ruffians???...Ha-ha-ha Dale
that's hilarious I haven't heard that word used since the eighties (Well I
am from the old school
- Dale). Ruffians is definitely not a word I thought of to describe these
losers. Lazy, unmotivated, cunts, dykes, faggots, petty, childish, meth
smoking, thieving scum is much better words to describe those pieces of
shit. As for the trip to Texas for the metal fest in November 1999 I went
with the previously mentioned vermin. Actually I never planned on reforming
MEAT SHITS in Utah. I figured a state that doesn't allow pornography or
real beer wouldn't be a good place to do this band. When I went to the
"November To Dismember" fest I was shocked to discover how many people
remembered MEAT SHITS and me. I had quite a few people wanting my autograph
and wanting to take their picture with me (which made me uncomfortable to
say the least) so this encouraged my desire to reform. Unfortunately I made
the stupid decision letting a meth smoking cunt from a very boring and
generic death metal band from Utah talk me into restarting MEAT SHITS with
her on guitar. This turned out to be the second biggest mistake of my life.
After seeing what total fuck-ups these new members were I figured out this
was not going to work. When I announced the bad news to them their paranoid
meth smoking asses freaked out. So since I was no longer a carpet installer
because the owner of the company never paid any taxes I moved back to
California. At first when I
came back and reformed the band it was out of pure rage and hatred towards
the Utah slime. But after hooking up with 5 other talented musicians the
realization was that in reality I just missed doing it. Or I just missed
doing it right all the times before.
Do you like California more
than Utah? I see you decided against moving back to your old stomping
grounds and body dumping capitol of the U.S.A. Modesto, CA...
Ha-ha-ha that's like
asking if I prefer cock to pussy! Of course I like
more than Utah! Utah was a fucking nightmare to put it mildly the state is
so oppressed. As I mentioned earlier Dale you can't even buy a real beer in
that state. I used to have to travel to Evanston, Wyoming if I wanted to buy
real beer. And towards the end of my stay in that toilet the UHP (Utah
Highway Patrol) would wait outside of the liquor store in Wyoming waiting
for anybody with Utah plates to attempt to bring illegal liquor back into
the state. If you have ever seen the movie SLC Punk it pretty much explains
the whole shitty situation of Utah. Needless to say I was very happy when I
returned to California,
as this is my home for better or for worse. Also you can't rent pornography
or even legally possess it so that pretty much sums it up. Well Dale I live
in Stockton now which is only 30 miles north of Modesto. I share a house
with the bass player of MEAT SHITS. This is where the band practices 3-4
times a week. Basically on the weekends it becomes the Meat House so to
speak. Our drummer has to travel from
and one of the guitarists has to travel from
(which is just 10 miles south of Modesto). It's funny you mention Modesto as
being the body dumping capitol I completely forgot about that. If you know
anything about Stockton it is the fifth most dangerous city within the
which might explain where some of the Modesto bodies come from…m’kay!
So you reformed MEAT SHITS
and it sounds like you have a real line-up this time - correct?
Can you introduce the other new members and the bands they were in formerly
because a couple seem fairly notable? What is this I hear about a chick
doing keyboards!?!? Why on earth would you want keys in a band like MEAT
The new line-up is as
follows Kurt Cobrain Splatter (a.k.a. Andy Garcia on Rhythm and Lead
Guitars), Smush Mouth (a.k.a. Douglas Carranza on Lead and Rhythm Guitars),
Vaginal Desecrator (a.k.a. Vince Castillo on Bass Guitars), Tapeworm
Assucker (a.k.a. Aaron Copelan on Drums and Percussion), Leyla Shelton
(a.k.a. Pre-Menstrual Cunt on Keyboards and Samples) and of course me M.C.
Cunt Killer (a.k.a. Robert Deathrage on Lead and Backing Vocals). Aaron
Copelan was the drummer from the underground band PAX MORTIS (R.I.P.) and is
now in THE NEW PLAGUE as well as MEAT SHITS. Douglas Carranza was originally
the guitarist for Paul Baloff's PIRANHA (for anybody stupid the original
singer for EXODUS). Also he was the guitarist for a very notable local
thrash band BURIAL GROUND. Andy Garcia is also a former guitarist of BURIAL
GROUND. Also he was in a well-known grindcore band called CONSUMED. Vince
Castillo is the guitar player for a well-known local band in
called SLUMLORD. And there is a chick on keyboards as Leyla is obviously a
feminine name. Actually Dale MEAT SHITS started using keyboards back in 1993
on the "Ecstasy Of Death" album (well only sparingly as a small accent –
Dale). On the last recordings keyboards became an important part of the
music. With this new line-up keyboards are now even more important than
How do you plan on using
synth, an instrument viewed by myself as wimpy in most cases and usually
used in soft disco gothic trend bands like CRADLE OF FILTH and DIMMU BORGIR?!
Does Leyla Shelton (a.k.a. Pre-Menstrual Cunt) being a woman have any
problems with MEAT SHITS anti-feminist and the pornographic lyrical
Robert -
For the new material we have increased the use of keyboards and for some old
songs we have added synth parts to give the music a more of a doom
atmosphere. Basically keyboards makes MEAT SHITS sound like a horror movie
soundtrack. Since the band used keyboards between 1993-1996 and got a very
good response for doing so, we felt it would have been stupid not to
continue the progression of the band’s style for the reformed MEAT SHITS. As
for weather or not it will be viewed as wimpy by yourself or others it is
just a chance we will have to take. Everybody so far that has heard the new
MEAT SHITS has given us nothing but praise. Plus everybody that comes to our
practice states that we are 100 times heavier and better than before. So I
think keyboards only makes a band wimpy if the band itself is wimpy to begin
with. As for Leyla having any problems with the MEAT SHITS image I will let
her answer that for herself…
Leyla –
I think that the name “Pre-Menstrual Cunt” speaks for its self. Everything
in our music is not anything that you couldn’t go to the movies and see. For
example, horror movies have murder, torture, rape, profanity etc. And then
the romantic movies typically have sex scenes in them where the actors and
actresses are required to moan and fake an orgasm…and you usually do not
hear alot of controversy about those movies, the bottom line is that it is
all entertainment.
Am I wrong in saying that
MEAT SHITS has more releases than any other underground band (with the
possible exception of AGATHOCLES from Belgium)!?! Was it hard setting up so
many deals? If I remember correctly around the time of recording "Ecstasy Of
Death" recordings you had 24 (!!) CD/vinyl etc... releases pending?! It must
have been difficult keeping up with all these releases, labels,
artworks/layouts straight?! Will the new MEAT SHITS keep up this kind of
torrid release schedule?
Actually Dale I don't know
if we are the second as I have not been following the underground very much.
If MEAT SHITS still holds the record for having the second most releases in
the scene then I find that amazing. So I would guess AGATHOCLES is still at
the number one spot...if so more power to them. It really was not difficult
at all to set up so many releases as most of the deals came to the band. At
the time I just tried to release as much shit as possible to get the band
name out there. Which I do regret this now as MEAT SHITS released alot of
garbage. Keeping everything straight was not that difficult either, as back
then I was younger. Seriously Dale I don't think I could keep up with such a
hectic schedule nowadays nor would it be attempted...m'kay.
So do you watch much porn
these days? I am a bit of a fanatic myself ha-ha! Do you still prefer
oriental sluts like Mimi Miyagi like you used to? Do you agree that women
who take it up the ass rule?
Of course I do...since
coming back to California
now I don't feel like a fucking outlaw for owning and renting pornography.
Actually I have expanded my tastes for porno sluts of all races, creeds and
colors. Especially for the likes of Brittany O' Connell, Tiffany Minx, I
would proudly lick all of their assholes clean. But of course I would do the
same to such personal favorites as Kitty Yung, Shawnee Cates, Lana Sands,
Anisa, Mai Lin and yes Mimi Miyagi. As for the answer to the last part of
your question I think you already know my opinion...m'kay!
played in Canada
before I remember you telling me on the phone it was kind of a fucked up
experience?! Recently the new reformed MEAT SHITS has been playing shows -
how have they went and please describe MEAT SHITS live experience? Will you
play any of the upcoming metal fests? I read in an old zine called Headache
Described from Modesto, California that during MEAT SHITS first show an
older lady waitress at the club became extremely agitated at your stage
banter and song titles and ended up going into convulsions and subsequently
died on the way to the hospital!! Any truth to this wild story?
Actually that was our
second show and the old lady died at the hospital. That show was so fucking
weird as MEAT SHITS was opening up for PRIMUS. So the music the band played
at the time freaked out alot of people...especially the PRIMUS fans. We got
a good response from some people but others were tortured...including
PRIMUS. Within 12 minutes of our set the plug was pulled on MEAT SHITS for
being so loud, abrasive and offensive. Fortunately we were able to get 90
songs in our set before the club shut us off (ha-ha). I would have to say
out all the shows MEAT SHITS has performed I would never forget that one. As
for playing upcoming metalfests we will be up to doing it after the new
album is recorded and released. At this moment MEAT SHITS are rarely playing
shows for the same reason I just mentioned. But every once in a while we do
perform live mainly because of the demand for the band. Basically describing
the new MEAT SHITS live experience is not so easy but I will give it a shot.
Nowadays the band plays about 60+ minutes consisting of between 30-40 songs.
We are also considered the loudest band in our area because of all the
equipment we use. So we warn people that attend our shows or come to watch
us practice that having ear plugs is advisable. When we do play live we have
more and more people at the shows every time. The word has really spread
about the new MEAT SHITS out here. We have alot of fans that hate
death/black/grind whatever music with a passion but love us because we are
not like most bands of those genres. MEAT SHITS has many different musical
influences that really stands out but at the same time makes us more extreme
and listenable. As for wanting to play Canada again Dale...of course I do!
How much older stuff is
being rehearsed and used for gigs? Have there been any old songs (like the 5
second burst ones) that the new members didn't want to do live? How much new
material is written and how does it differ if at all from the old stuff?
Fuck Dale there is so much
new stuff written and rehearsed that it has now become old stuff. So far
over 90+ minutes of new material has been created and rehearsed to adnausuem.
As for old stuff songs that we rehearse and do live is "Baptized In Shit",
"There Is No God", "Psychotic Interlude", "Bimbo...Is A Compliment", "Paying
The Price To Fuck", "Just Say Fuck" and "Dismembered Then Raped". We also do
the same for songs that are old but never got released such as "Vicious Act
Of Machismo", "Vaginal Torment", "Selective Inbreeding", "Sniper At The Fag
Parade", "Horrifying Scenario", "Act Of Rape", "Womanizer", "Bitch-Hater",
"Oral Sodomy", "Sexual Cannibalism", "When Harry Fucked Sally" and more. To
be honest there was not alot of older songs we wanted to do before the last
MEAT SHITS recording sessions. When it comes to the short songs we still
crank them out and the rest of the band love doing them. MEAT SHITS will
never stop doing the short bursts of mayhem as of course it is our trademark
sound but we all prefer doing the longer songs.
There must be at least a
couple labels sniffing around since the news has spread of MEAT SHITS
reforming? Which labels have showed interest and do you have an ideal label
you would like MEAT SHITS to be on? Having past label relationships
back-fire are you now weary of labels and what would you demand in any new
album or even EP contract?!
Well there is definitely
more than a couple of labels checking us out right now. I really can't
mention any names at this time, as it will probably curse any possible Deals
and us as well. Originally we were planning on re-releasing our old stuff,
unreleased material and our new music ourselves. Considering all of us work
and half of the band has families at home. It was decided that MEAT SHITS
should get a label due to our lack of spare time to pursue starting a label.
As for past relationships with labels turning to shit all I can only say
that was then...this is now. Basically what we want from a label is what
other bands get...a decent studio budget, extreme promotion, tour support
and fair royalties. I really don't think that is alot to ask considering
MEAT SHITS is a well-known underground act.
MEAT SHITS have had a
history of releases on Wild Rags! What was your reaction to the news of
Richard C. not paying taxes for years (or as the story goes) and being shut
down with everything being auctioned off by presumably the IRS?! Do you
still have contact with Richard?
Actually this is the first
I heard of it as like I mentioned my involvement in the underground over the
last five years has been next to none. And no I have had no contact with
Richard C. since around 1994 if I recall correctly. So my reaction is oh
well you should have paid your taxes...m'kay.
During your absence from
1996 to 2000 did you follow the scene at all? If yes, what demos, albums and
vinyl have you been battering your stereo with? Any cool fanzines you could
recommend to check out?
No I haven’t really been
following the scene at all, which is sorry to say. Personally I list en
to mostly old Metal, Hardcore and Industrial like VENOM, POSSESSED, CELTIC
242, NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS and more. But A few newer bands I enjoy (or
should I say bands not from the eighties) are CRADLE OF FILTH, EMPEROR,
HECATE ENTHRONED, DIMMU BORGIR, SLIPKNOT and others I can't think of right
now because I have been drinking. Some local bands in my area such as
definitely worth checking out as well.
Are you still into gore
flicks? You dubbed for me and polluted my mind with a number of nasty horror
flicks and various other sick videos in the early to mid '90's. I just
wanted to thank you for that ha-ha!
Oh yeah of course for a
while I was not into them so much as when I got a DVD player and a satellite
dish. Then I was into that phase where I wanted everything to be in surround
sound and the old horror classics in my video library were collecting dust
on my shelves. But all the old favorites and some I never viewed before are
becoming required viewing. I would have to say Aaron and me are the ones in
the band most into horror flicks. The rest of the band is into them as well
but as you know I also watch alot of different kinds of movies.
I read on your website that
in December 2000 you had studio time booked, so tell us how did these
recording sessions go? What studio did you use and how much is it going to
set you back? What releases might these particular sessions produce? How
about a few new song titles?
Well we didn't feel we were
completely ready to go in the studio yet so we have postponed our recording
until March or April of 2001. All the members agree, as we want the new MEAT
SHITS album to be a thousand times better than all the old recordings
combined. This is
necessary as we want our return to be successful to say the least...and I
think our fans will
thank us for this. In the past the band released alot of shit and we do not
want history to
repeat itself. When the MEAT SHITS returns to the studio we are going to
concentrate on one release titled "Dismembered Resurrection" and possibly an
EP currently titled "The Domain of Rape And Murder". Some new song titles
are "Door-To-Door Serial Killer", "Anal Armageddon", "Because She
Disobeyed", "Psychobabble Of A Blonde Cunt", "Menstrual Alibi", "Drive-By
Masturbation", "Tampon Crack-Pipe", "Miasma Of Putrid Decay", "Cyanide
Cum-Shot", "Anal-Christ", "Even For Her The Worst Is Yet To Come", "Vaginal
Combustion", "Consensual Rape", "Power Tool Abuse", "Quick Fuck", "Cunt
Metal", "Embrace The Crack Horror" and many more of course.
You will notice Robert, in
this interview thus far I have refrained from bringing up your early and
numerous proble ms
with drug abusing members. Also including your record label difficulties and
Either thank me now for sparing you or feel free if you like to tell the
readers of this turmoil and how it has only strengthened your resolve?!
This last line-up of losers
from Utah
definitely strengthened my resolve more than you could ever imagine. I
pretty much covered my opinions of them earlier in this no
more need to waste any more interview space for meth smoking cannon fodder.
As for problems with past record labels I really don't give two shits about
what happened anymore. If they are still having issues with me well then
that will be their downfall not mine. This time MEAT SHITS will be done
right not half-assed like in the past.
Okay Robert my old friend
it was good talking to you and finally being in contact once again! Feel
free to spill your and MEAT SHITS future plans and any other messages for
the readers! Thanx for doing this brother it is appreciated!!
I think all that needs to
be said has been said Dale except thanks for the interview my old friend.
Best of luck with all of your current and future projects especially
Canadian Assault. And I hope I get to meet you on tour in the near future...m'kay!
MEAT SHITS have signed a
deal with WAR HAMMER/COPROPHAGIA RECORDS and are gearing up to record the
long awaited release entitled DISMEMBERED RESURRECTION. The CD will contain
46 Gore Infested, Pornographic , Bitch Hating, Fag Killing , Womanizing
songs that hold true to the Traditional MEAT SHITS sound, but with more
emphasis on songwriting and structure. 2001 brings the world a new album
from The Original Perverts Of GrindCore/BrowMetal !! Let The Sickness Begin
! For More
Info email Check out the MEAT SHITS
WEBSITE And for all distros
and record labels interested in carrying the new album, contact our record
The Word .......MEAT
Meatshits My Space Page